What Do You Say On Your Postcards?

I write the greeting and introduce myself, age and work for opening, and explain some guides/trivia about the picture in the postcard.

My special writing:

  • If I send to any countries for the first time, I’ll say that it’s my first postcard I send to your countries.
  • If I’m interested in some countries (I’ve visited or plan to visit, or have some moments with e.g. favorite star/past events, etc.) , I’ll write about them in the postcard.
  • If I send from abroad (outside Thailand), I’ll tell about the trip or the places I’ve visited on that trip.
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I am sending out my first postcard. What do I write on it? (Besides the ID number)


I only started a couple months ago but I usually look at the recipients profile / bio and write about something they are interested in, if I can. Or maybe write about what is on the postcard you are sending.

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You can also take inspiration from monthly prompt
This month prompt: May Writing Prompt: The food you always keep in your fridge


Write about anything that has happened to you lately, if someone asks for you to write or not to write something take their suggestions into account. Ive even just drawn a doodle on the backs of cards! As long as you are nice and put a pinch of thought and effort, most people will be happy!


Welcome to Postcrossing & the Forum Leeann!

You can write about anything you want: something about the card you like, why you chose it - anything about yourself, your interests & hobbies, your job - your favourite books, movies/TV, music - anything about your city, state, country - places you like to visit.

Do you have any common interests with the person you’re sending the card to? Have you visited their country before? Do you want to in the future?

Have fun with it! Enjoy!

Lots of ideas over here:


Hi Leeann,
Welcome to the wonderful world of post’x’ing. Reading the profile of your receiver may help you or there’s the writing prompts on the main page of post’x’ing, you can pick up an idea from there.
I’m sure with a few exchanges you won’t have to worry about it anymore. :grinning:
Keep writing, keep sharing.

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Hello LeeannM,

Welcome here!!!
If you ever “pull” my address I’d love it if you wrote a little story about yourself.
What area do you live in, what do you do, what do you like etc.

But yes, that’s me…



Welcome to Postcrossing! I appreciate it when someone tells me on the card that it’s their first card sent and/or they’re new to Postcrossing.
Since the recipient can’t see your profile until after the card is registered and they’ve already sent the Hurray message, they won’t know what your profile says beforehand, unless you include your profile name on your card too.
For example, if I drew your name for a card, I’d read your profile, and I might mention my mom was born and raised in Fall River, and that I grew up in Connecticut. I almost always mention the weather or my cat, because those are part of my daily life. I might write something about the city or region I live in, and what it’s known for etc.
Have fun!


Here’s another link for tips too :slight_smile:


I often write about the place where I got the postcard - so if it’s a view of a museum in Washington DC, I’ll write about the museum and what kind of exhibits they have or what I did in DC the day I visited that museum.
If it’s not a viewcard, I often write about what the postcard makes me think about. Like if it’s an illustration of the beach, I’ll talk about the beach or the last time I went and what I did there.


Mine’s a bit varied

  • most of the time I’ll explain what’s on the card, with my experience if available
  • When the profile (drawing official address) states a question, I’ll tend to answer that
  • sometimes I may even explain about the stamp if I have extra writing space. I find the variety of stamps here a lot more interesting than postcards. The latest FRIM (Forest Research Institute Malaysia) stamp for instance could be explained to a person who likes wild animals
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I print 3 to a page (A4) and attach them to the back of a poscard, usually glue stick,
I update the message as needed, 3-4 months.


Do you change the message by each receiver or same goes to all peole until you create new message??

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I haven’t written so many official Postcrossing postcards yet, and the very few recipients’ profiles I have drawn happened to indicate little about what they want to read. So, I typically talk about the picture on the postcards. For those taken by myself, I try to explain my artisitc intention behind that particular photographic creation and what it means to me. For those postcards showing others’ photographs that I purchased during my trips, I would talk about my impression of that location as I travelled through it. A few recipients have asked me to talk about certain things – my bike touring experience in Japan for instance – and I tend to comply with their requests.

This also means that so far, all of my postcards sent to other Postcrossers depict landscape, which is my strength in visual art.


All mine are different and catered to the individual’s profile. I try to find common interests, or answer a question they have put in their profile.

Only once so far did I do a short message because the entire profile was a list of do nots, and zero information about the sender. I was at a loss.

I usually fill in the postcard space with a long message.


I usually say… way too much. So much so that the posties have had trouble figuring out to put the stamps! :see_no_evil:

I pick either things on their profile to talk about that interest me, or things about the card/why I picked it for them. Sometimes I talk about myself but mostly if we have something in common :slight_smile:


There are some good tips on here :+1:


Questions - does the glue stick work? Does it even make it overseas? I’ve been wondering about that for sending to China when I print the address

Also, that looks like it would take both left and right of the postcard, where do you put the address or do you always send in an envelope?

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@DawnMarie3203 I print my addresses, use a glue stick and also put a clear tape over to make sure it survives the travel.
When printing the addresses, you can pick a smaller font size to make sure it fits accordingly.

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