What do you consider a WEIRD postcard 🙃?

Lol true


Love the first one!!! Would love to swap for a kooky one!

I think what is weird is incredibly subjective–it depends on your cultural background and how you were conditioned to consider certain things “normal” or “weird”. In the context of postcards, I suppose weird would be any subjects that aren’t printed for the mainstream like tourist postcards and postcard sets that you could purchase from a mainstream retailer. For example, I once received a postcard of a blinged out cement mixer. This might not be weird if it was from a modern art museum, but it edged into weird because it was a picture that the sender had taken themselves of their own cement mixer. It’s out of the ordinary because most people making their own postcards would aim for different photographic subjects.


I once received a card that looked like a holiday photo showing a couple of people pulling a face. They had slightly odd clothes on too and and it wasn’t a very good photo of them. At the time, I was asking for weird cards in my profile.

I’m still glad that I sent very generic thanks - turns out, it wasn’t a purposely chosen weird card, it was the sender’s own holiday snap that they sent very seriously!


Things I would consider weird, but not offensive:

  1. Anything depicting dead people/animals
  2. Things that don’t make any sense without context
  3. Quotes or words on the card that don’t make sense
  4. Some abstract arts

The overall factor that would make something weird is if I don’t I don’t understand it at first. Some things we don’t understand are seen as weird or unusual. A medieval torture device might be weird to some people. But for me, I know some of the history and was exposed to the idea. (I visited a medieval torture museum in Germany twice when I was 9-11 fun times).


I wonder, does this include meals? Just asking out of curiosity, not to provoke. :smiley:

I didn’t think of that! I guess any meat you could find at a butcher would not be weird. But, human, dog, cat, etc would be weird to see in a meal.

If you’re talking about the North German meal Labskaus… Yes. It’s weird.

no, it’s not.
It’s lecker.

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I absolutely agree with you @Nordbaer. It’s really tasty. But it looks like… some stuff you found somewhere on a sailing vessel, put it together and liquidize everything to a strange grey mass so that even toothless, scurvy suffering old sailors still could eat that glop. That’s what it looks like.
Oh,… and that’s exactly what it was made for by the way…


I have a version of this card ready to send to someone! A word of explanation why Kahlo painted this in general terms. In traditional Mexico, when a child passed away he or she was dressed in the garb of a saint at his or her wake. I suppose the implication was that the child had passed onto the real of the divine. Kahlo was an enthusiastic proponent of Mexican folk art and customs and this is reflected in her art.


The picture. I have sent a card of the famous Pretty (Wo) Man of WeHo aka the Tr*nny on a Bike and also Ricky. He’s a local Los Angeles icon and resident and well beloved in the neighborhood. He is heavy set a nd rides a bike on Santa Monica Blvd in woman’s garb that he buys at a thrift store that donates a portion of profits to an HIV/AIDS services center.

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Neat! Thanks for the info. That immediately makes it less frightening.

Here’s a rare example of a weird card:

Looks like a perfectly normal tourist card - but the strange thing is, the caption does not match the picture! It says “Rhine”, but the main picture shows a completely different river :smiley:

Turns out it actually IS the Rhine. See comments below.


Hey everyone!

Come join the NEW Weird RR to exchange your strange and odd and weird cards!


Sorry to disappoint you but the main picture shows the Rhine. Although it might be a strange/misleading perspective. The town in the middle is Filsen and the one on the right is Boppard. Believe me, I don’t live that far away and I spent a lot of my time there. :wink:




Wow… Seems to be right.
Used to live in Oberwesel for some time, never visited Boppard, but must have taken about a thousand train rides through that valley and never noticed the river took such a sharp bend :smiley:

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But you are right. Such horseshoe bends are mostly related to the Moselle or the Saar.

That was me :rofl: I got that card still on my actual wall in my flat. It’s art for me. Also in that time, when the picture was drawn death and grieving was part of the society and nothing behind closed doors. So for me not weird at all.

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I agree with @Speicher3, I also like to define cards with: Oh wow, what is that?

Not negative and not positive, just a card that makes me curious :smiley: