What are most popular requests?

My little farming village just doesnt sell any other cards than happy birthdays and christmas-cards and such, and im planning to order a bulk of cards from online.
But its hard to decide what kind of cards… I will get some normal tourist-cards, views and such, but what else?
Like what are the top 10 most asked cards?


General Topics (without specific artists, series etc):

Unesco, Animals, Landscapes, Vehicles (esp. Trains / Cars / Planes / Ships, but also bikes, trams), flowers / plants, space, all kinds of illustrations, movies / TV series, books, food / recipes


basically what @Cassiopheia said. with a small addition that most people like it more if you send things from your own country. for example people ask a lot for native animals (and cats are always good). if you send a card with food, preferbly food from your own country.

and i would like to add map cards and cards with coffee and tea. and disney.

oh and i see you’re from finland, i know a lot of people love to get moomin cards from finland.


From Finland top3 that I’ve seen are Moomins, Inge Löök and Northern lights. Sometimes I have seen Virpi Pekkala and Tom of Finland too. Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Edit: I also agree with @Cassiopheia, I have lately get many profiles asking for cars and trains. They are impossible to find from the supermarkets of a small town!

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Lighthouses are popular.


Finding good online shop for cards seems surprisingly difficult also. Each seem to have just one type of cards.

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From Finland…Firefighters of Oulu! Maybe not a popular request, but the same demographic of Tom of Finland. :slight_smile: I’d love one!

It’s not just farming villages that lack postcards. I live in New York City and still had to order online to get a variety (types mentioned above in other post) I was running around today trying to find a dinosaur postcard. I couldn’t find one!

Good luck!

I see a request for cards showing bridges also rainbows