Welsh language pals! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Since there isn’t a Welsh language category that I could find I thought I would post here!

Rwy’n ddysgwr cymraeg, ac rydw i eisiau cael penpal! Os ydych chi’n siarad Cymraeg ac yn dymuno bod yn penpal i mi, anfonwch neges ataf~


Hi. I thought your post looked a bit lonely. Warning, I know VERY LITTLE Welsh, but I just want to say Shwmae to let you know that I noticed your post.

I have actually tried to learn some Welsh in the past. I will say, I do find it a bit complicated, but feel free to write some phrases that you think would be useful to know. I like exploring languages and learjing new things if I can.

I had a gerbil called Bryn, which I know if Welsh for ‘hill’ because he was very adept at climbing out of the cage given the opportunity.

Helo ffrind! Sut wyt ti?

I appreciate you noticing my post (even though it took me forever to respond). I’ve learned other languages before Welsh, so I feel like it makes a bit more sense to me. Part of language learning seems to be learning how you learn a language, which can be half the battle itself! I think the hardest part for me in Welsh atm are the mutations and remembering vocabulary. But I always struggle with remembering vocab!

Some handy Welsh phrases for you (note that I am learning Northern Welsh, so they might not be the same in the South, but how would I know?):
-Sut wyt ty? -How are you? (familiar, singular)
-Sut wyt chi? - How are you/y’all? (formal singular, plural)
-Dwi’n iawn! - I’m okay/fine/alright
-Sut mae’r twydd hefyd? - How is the weather today?
-Mae hi’n braf/diflas/bwrw glaw/heilog - It’s fine/miserable/raining/sunny
-Be wyt ti’n gnweud? - What are you doing (now)?
-Dwi’n dysgu/yfed coffi/gweithio - I’m studying/drinking coffee/working
-Wyt ti’n hoffi coffi/cwrw/cawl? - Do you like coffee/beer/stew?
-Ydy/Nac ydy! - Yes, I do!/No, I don’t.

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Prynhawn da!

Dw i dysgu cymraeg eto ond dw i ddim yn dda iawn!

Hoffwn pe bawn i’n well arno a gobeithio y gallwch chi ddod o hyd i ffrind llythyru Cymraeg yn fuan.



Dw i ddim yn dda iawn yn Cymraeg hefyd, ond dwi’n hoffi dysgu. A gaf i ysgrifennu llythyr atoch?

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Shwmae! Diolch iawn am eich neges. Dych chi eisiau ysgrifennu cerdyn post ataf? Hoffwn i hynny! Gallwn I anfon un atoch chi hefyd. Byddaf yn anfon neges atoch gyda fy nghyfeiriad.