Welcome to the Forum!

Hello ! I’m Claire, from the North of France.
I joined Postcrossing in 2010, when I was in high school… but I stopped during my studies (it’s silly, I know! :D). So it’s a great peasure to send and receive postcards again.
I love reading, cooking, learning languages (I’m a spanish teacher) and … a lot of other things !

It’s my first participation in the forum. I can’t wait to read your funny, interesting and kind contributions.


Hello everyone!

I’m Serena and I live in a small town in southern England and have been Postcrossing for a good dozen years now. I’ve been largely housebound for many years (since well before the current lockdown and even well before I discovered Postcrossing). This means I love receiving friendly messages from (and sending them to) people from around the world, as well as being able to travel the world by postcard.

Postcrossing makes a huge contribution to my quality of life - many thanks to Paulo for creating it and to everyone who contributes to it :slight_smile:


Hello! My name is Michael and I live in Kansas in the USA, and during the pandemic I discovered how much I enjoyed writing cards and notes to people as part of my job, and now I’m doing it because it’s a lot of fun! I have also started collecting stamps, which I never in the world thought I’d be interested in doing. I just sent my first 5 post cards, and I look forward to being part of this community. Take care and be safe!


Hi all! :blush: My name is Elisabetta, I’m 50 years old and I live in Sardinia island, Italy, with one husband and four cats :smile_cat: I love reading, writing, cooking, knitting and, you guessed it, postcards :smile:
I love the Postcrossing community. We’re living in a crazy world indeed, but this is one of my little happy places and I’m so, so grateful that we’re all here now :heartpulse:


A wildlife rehabilitator sounds like a neat job to have! I bet you’d make a ton of money petsitting where I live because it seems like everyone has at least two dogs in their house.

A post was merged into an existing topic: [TALK] Willkommen und Vorstellungsrunde

That’s not so silly, I think, for the studies might be slightly more important for your life than doing PC. Great to have you back! :mailbox_with_mail:

If you combine both, then you’ll take a tame dog for a walk and come back with the same dog turnedinto a wild wolf! I’m just kidding! :wink:

Hi Michael! Welcome! You have to be patient, for cards abroad may take weeks, even four or six weeks to some countries.

Hi! I’m Coriena from the Netherlands. Back at postcrossing after a 10-year break so I’m learning again.


Hello Everyone,

I’ve been on the PC forum since 2015. I’ve made many good friends via penpalling and had the wonderful opportunity of chancing upon like minded people through the regular PC method <3

I’m also very happy to see the upgrade and also a little sad to see the old page slowly go. I have been sending my old U2U’s to my email and reading the msgs of the people I first met and our initial correspondences. Made me emotional.

Anyway, with great memories we move into new times!




I´m Henna, also from Finland.
I have postcrossing almost 10 years on and off. This is also my first time in forum.
So, Hello everyone!


Hello, everyone!

I’m Janice, and I became a Postcrosser this past spring. I live in southeastern New York, about 30 miles north of Manhattan and in the lower Hudson River Valley. I love hiking on the region’s mountain trails and in its many parks and preserves. I am looking forward to hiking again in other countries as soon as possible!

Being part of this community is helping to make this ongoing pandemic more tolerable. It’s been a pleasure to meet other Postcrossers!


Hello everyone! I’m Dawn from St Louis, MO. I’m back after a hiatus of a few years. I’m a teacher, and getting my kids involved in making postcards this year. Something to do during remote learning!


:wave:t3: Good Morning World!

I have just stumbled across this site and am excited to jump right in and participate. Looking forward to hearing from interesting people all over the world! :earth_asia: :mailbox_with_mail:

Currently I am living life on the tiny red dot of Singapore :singapore: which is country number 16, continent number 4 in 25 years of living and working overseas :world_map:.

Can’t wait for the mailbox to be filled! :postcard: :postbox:



hello my fellow postcrossers, Im Leonie and a postcrosser since 2006. Im happy to be on the new forums! Greetings from the Netherlands!


I’m glad to be on postcrossing and look forward to exchange nice words with many people from all around the world. I wrote something about myself in the new community profile.


Hi everyone, I’m Jess and I’m currently living in London. I started Postcrossing in 2010 when I was 14, and then stopped in 2014. I returned to it in June this year because I was feeling quite disconnected from the world during the pandemic, and I’ve come back will full force and enthusiasm for the project!

My main hobbies are women’s football (playing and watching), Postcrossing, walking, and watching TV and movies. I also recently bought an Xbox! :video_game:


Hello there,

I’m Carol, I live in the northwest of Brazil and I’m a designer and illustrator with a lot of random passions like gardening, cooking fermented stuff, vegan cheesemaking and, well, Postcrossing.
Fun fact: I’ve recently appeared in a local newspaper to talk about Postcrossing, since Brazil launched a new postal stamp in honor of this community! <3


Greetings from Franklin, Massachusetts. Postcrossers do so much to promote community that spans the miles/kilometers that separate us. That is such a vital task in a world that suffers from wars, pandemics, and deep-seated misunderstandings. I enjoy postcards that tell me a little about the sender and show me something of the wonders of other parts of the world. I’m a lifelong stamp collector—and now a postal historian—who works as a postal clerk. That’s why I enjoy seeing the stamps and postmarks that come to our mailbox from around the world.
Stay safe and healthy!