Weird items

I think it’s the same in Finland, many older people used to collect sweet wrappers, and a relative of mine told, after Christmas it was exciting when everyone had new ones, and they swapped those in school.

But several times here i’ve seen member ask for a sweets wrapper, I think it’s still a thing.
I believe the sender thought it’s interesting, maybe something they themselves collect. Some are really pretty.

I have sent full sweets, so they can eat it or just look at it :grinning: but I think I put it inside a bag, if it gets beaten in the mail.

I have also gotten tea, and don’t ask it, but it’s nice, because I like tea. Interesting to me is, I don’t like food package cards, but I wouldn’t mind to see a wrapper of someones favourite sweet.


Not weird but I also received tea bags and train tickets or little calendars.

I save my Endangered Species candy wrappers to send if people request things. This is a local company who supports wildlife projects and the wrappers have good info. I never considered them to be “rubbish”…to me it is interesting. Each of their flavors has a different wrapper & info so they put a bit of thought & money into educating the consumer.


I too sent candy wrappers to Russia…her and her granddaughter were collecting them from other countries…
A cute idea


A lady from Poland sent me a poster she took off the bulletin board in her apartment complex. Since Polish and Russian are similar to some extent I could read it. It was a missing cat announcement.
No idea why she did it.
What’s the point in sending this piece of paper to a complete stranger in another country?


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I know this sweet, it’s very tasty! :blush:


Wow… that is really odd…

I request in my profile for pressed pennies and bird feathers, but rarely get any. But thats okay. It is just my fancy self liking to collect them.

I once encounter a profile requesting for flower seeds - he used a patch of his garden to make it a postcrossing flower patch. It was so lovely.

Other requesrs I did encounter were entrancetickets, museum brochures, bus/train tickets, fancy band-aids unused, special formed paper clips, magnets, Pokemon TCG cards, stickers, washitapes, coins, kissing the card with lipstick, spray the card with my favourite parfum, sand, any tiny thing I found on my way, … more I can’t remember but there are some really odd wishes sometimes


Was it her cat? :black_cat: Sort of half joking, half not joking.

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A candy wrapper sent this way certainly is not rubbish! I’m sure the sender thought it would be interesting, the same as when some people make postcards out of food packaging. Also, I know for US postage, you must be very careful that an envelope sent internationally (which costs $1.55) doesn’t suddenly become a “package,” which could cost a lot more! Last year I sent about 50 small, plastic buttons to someone in Canada. I used a small, letter size, plastic envelope. Surprise - cost about $25. Argh!!! So, I would NOT expect someone to send me the actual candy bar! And, even though I haven’t asked for anything except postcards, I appreciate when someone shares something with me!


I once collected all the varieties of m&m candy wrappers for a smashbook (junk journal). It made a pretty colorful page. I personally ate the candies first. It was to document my favorite candy. This thread made me giggle.

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No idea :slight_smile:
It was just like “a black cat has been missing for 3 days. If you see it, report to the apartment 25b”


Hilarious! Did this wrap contain an ID? :slight_smile: Maybe it’s a new type of a card, rather innovative.
Beyond jokes, this wrap is from a very delicious dessert, smth similar to Ricotta cheese covered in chocolate. Yum!

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Sorry if this topic has been discussed before somewhere. I searched the forum and didn’t get any relevant hits. I recently received a mailing from a member who got my name through the regular procedure for sending a postcard. However what the member sent in addition to a couple of lovely cards was a packet of sheets of paper with little verses, stories, and some anecdotes about life. Quite a lot of material really. I didn’t think it was in the spirit or intent of Postcrossing. How do you handle something like this? Register the card(s) and act like nothing happened? I hate to thank someone for something that someone else might have found offensive, even though it only bothered me slightly. I mainly concerned about proper protocol and manners during use of this website. Someone else may feel different. What does everyone think?


Hi @FairleahBrittanys! I’ve moved your post to this thread where we already discuss owns received together with postcards.

The FAQ’s says “If you want, you can also send other things with your postcard (for instance, a letter, photo or pamphlet). However, this isn’t required nor expected of you: the only thing you have to send in Postcrossing is a postcard.” (Link to the entire answer here)

In other words, it’s completely fine sending other stuff together with the postcard, and you should register the postcard. What you say and do with the extra stuff is up to you.


I register and thank for the card, and if I like the extra, I thank for it too, if not, maybe I don’t even mention. If something bothers me in the sending, I tell it, but try to stay polite.

Perhaps this sender thought to send these extras as you mention envelope is ok, and they put something else there too, with the same postage?


As long as you got an actual postcard in there it’s all well and good. I would have thought the rest was a free upgrade. BUT was there something about the cards or enclosures that was political, religious, rude, inappropriate……you didn’t mention what caused offense?

If it was offensive or unpleasant then DON’T register it until you report it to Postcrossing and see what they say.


See no problem
You can resend these sheets of paper to someone else.
Many postcrossers say in their profiles that they want to get some stuff


Maybe she thought you might have seen the cat :joy: I wonder if it ever turned up? x


Was there something offensive about the extra items? If not, surely it was just the sender being kind, sending you something extra they hoped you might like x


I’m not sure why you found it offensive or why anyone would. I would be overjoyed to get so many wonderful gifts! I would register the card and be very appreciative in the hurray message