Washi tape discussions!


One of us
One of us
One of us


Yeah, welcome to the club! :hugs:

Actually, 30 rolls in one week isn’t all that much… :innocent:

Currently I have about two drawers full of washis and I still go “ohhhh” and “ahhhh” and “I really want this” whenever someone posts a photo of really beautiful tape I haven’t seen before or when I receive cards decorated with really pretty washitape.

Luckily there aren’t any shops nearby where I could be tempted to buy more tape and I’m taking a break from ordering online before this really gets out of hand here…
At least I’m using washitape on almost every card and also on some of my handmade cards because they look really nice on collages and mixed media cards.

But it is an awful addiction, just like the postcards themselves, or clear stamps and stickers and all other lovely crafting stuff! :heart_eyes:


Your washi tape art is so gorgeous!

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@noodlebamboo @clareaye thank you guys for compliments :relaxed:
I personally think that when you have the right washi tapes (all 30 a day of them), they do most of the decoration work for you! :joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile:

psst, the washi pictures take so many tape, that you feel no guilt in buying more tape since you used all you had :face_with_monocle:


I LOVE the King Jim sticker books series! I recently found them here in the US. It makes me feel better that after I eventually use up the many, many, many rolls of gorgeous washi, I’ll have a little something to remember them by for my own keepsake. :heart_eyes:


I think I was a bit overzealous and underestimated how big they are. I bought the flake and sheet albums from a UK seller (they have not arrived yet) and then got impatient and ordered one of all three on Amazon JP which arrived in 2 days thinking oh one of each won’t be enough (except for washi lol). Ended up being way more than I probably need but oh well.


I definitely thought I needed 2 for my washi collection, but I haven’t even filled one up yet! :rofl:

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Same, thankfully I didn’t order two washi albums. So I’ll have 2 for flakes, 2 for sheets, and 1 for washi. At least I’ll have spares just in case – I’ve pretty much filled up one of each of the flakes and sheets.

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I love washi tapes and i have a lot! I have some out for use and the rest are stored elsewhere. I’m sharing part of those out in my drawer on the desk.


I love all your Peanuts washi, silverdoe! They’re amazing!


Moomin washi tape :heart_eyes:

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Let me join the club and here is my small collection.

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I have been an avid collector of washi for a few years now, and swapped a few thousand samples I believe :see_no_evil: Here are few pics of how I store them mostly, in washi drawers or jars. But I also have many washi stacks sitting around the house of what I‘m currently swapping and need to prepare for mail. So yeah, love washi :heart_eyes:


Whoa, @stancy_starlight, that is the most amazing collection of washi I have ever beheld!

@miriginger, I love yours too!! Every single washi tape you have is totally my style!


Haha, thank you for your excitement! I‘m happy with what I collected, especially my Harry Potter and postal/ mail washis. I don’t have a pic of them right now but will share later. I love how many different styles are out there.

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Okay I think you win - you are the craziest of us all :joy::joy:

I am Just a little bit envious :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Ikr, it’s a lot of washi :see_no_evil::rofl:


I have a question a question to all of you washi tape addicts:
How do you use your washi tape? I mean there are the obvious uses such as decorating a card or creating a card. Or to use it to decorate a letter or a present.

But what else do you use it for? Maybe to decorate your home? Jars or candles or cables decorated with washi come to my mind.


Honestly I don’t use it much. Most of the time when I get it out, it’s to wrap some washi tape samples to throw in some happy mail I’m sending out. So I would say the number one use for my washi is to make other people happy in the mail. I’ll sometimes use it to package up stickers in a bag, also for other people in the mail. It makes me happy to do that, so I guess its use is mostly ornamental/emotional.

This is why I’ve stopped buying washi tape and will only buy more once I’ve given out what I have. Which is why I hound this thread and zoom in on all the pictures of washi to satiate my washi addiction!

The only washi I use that’s practical is this skinny roll of MT washi tape that’s airmail-appropriate, so I keep that in the drawer of my desk and I use it on occasion, for postcards and mail that’s going overseas, which is most of the time. I have two rolls of normal-thickness washi tape that’s this airmail stripe pattern as well, but I don’t use it as much. I should, though!