Want to exchange unique artworks?- schools

Hello everyone, I’m Gretchen, an art teacher in China, looking for few schools worldwide to build connections by exchanging postcards!!!

I teach students from age 12 - 18, mainly middle school and high school students. They are very talented, and every year we have a postcard projects. For last year, we made printmaking postcard about endangered animals. The year before, we had a project to draw eyes from different people. We usually sales these unique designs and donated money to charities.

But we never have chance to actually post those cards!
This year we want to do a worldwide project, to help students to learn more about the world, to know more about people in their age.

This year’s topic is “what you like and what you concern”.
Students will draw a design of what they like, and write about what they concern.
So that will be a artwork postcard! Every piece is the only piece!
We hope people who exchange with us also can do some drawings.
Let’s meet artists crossing the world!!!

I’m looking for few schools from all the countries, and maybe we can have further collaboration, for more interesting projects. If you interested in the project, please send me PM, we can talk more about that.



Well, i could join such a project, but i teach biology, so it should be centered around that. If you’re interested, then just tell me. We will need to find out how to make it happen.

Hello, biology is welcome! Maybe your can ask students to draw their favorite species, and what they think of environment somethings… we did projects similar before. BTW, I’m from Suzhou North America international high school, nice to meet you.

For that age, “their favourite species” is somewhat of an underachievement in the field of biology. I would ask them to get much details in their drawing, if it’s an animal.
On the other hand, we are going to plant trees in our city, therefore i will already ask them to draw the leaves and maybe fruits in details. Maybe we could share this with you, you can get the original pictures, as the copies would get onto the panels in front of the trees. Or we draw the leaves and you take care of fruits?
In this case, the project would even come on TV and in our newspaper, as the project is already running.

Of course it shouldn’t end there, we could send something else afterwards.

What kind of trees would you gonna plant? Trees and leaves are really good drawing materials, maybe we can find some connections on planting trees. This year, wildfire is really a big thing, countless trees are burned down, and postcards made from trees…… anyway, we can still talk about that.

Well, the tree that we are going to plant has to be choosen by the students in October. Beforehand, we have to create some panels for the city arboretum.

Here is the list:
Aralia eleta
Quercus frainetto
Liriodendron tulipifera
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Liquidambar styraciflua
Gymnocladus dioicus
Fagus sylvatica pendula
Pinus strobus
Cedrus deodora
Ailanthus altissima
Catalpa bigninioides
Sequoiadendron giganteum
Acer campestre
Tetradium euodia daniellii
Cedrus atlantica glauca
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Carya glabra
Gleditsia triacanthos
Pterocarya fraxinifolia
Fagus sylvatica atropurpurea
Gingko biloba
Abies pinsapo glauca
Tilia cordata
Betula pendula youngii
Platanus acerfolia
Salix alba vitellina

I can tell you what i can imagine to do as an exchange.


still looking for partners :smile: