Waiting with High Hopes for a PC from?

This is exactly why I’d love to receive cards from the countries I listed. I’ve never been abroad and the prospects of going are slim.


I am very fond of Japan though I’ve never been there. But I’d also like cards from

Turkey etc etc etc


I’m happy about every card I receive but getting cards from the Caribbean Islands or South East Asian countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, would be cool.

That’s another reason why I love travel mode - it might increase the chances of receiving a card from those places :slight_smile:


This is just a list of places I haven’t received postcards from. I’d like to receive postcards from:
Any country in Africa
Galapagos (is this even possible?)
Any island in the Caribbean


I would love to receive a card with an ID below 10.000, so that would limit countries.
I’ve sent some cards from several Caribbean Islands, sending was fun also!


As I already received from 100 countries by now, generally every new country would be exciting. But if I have to name it I would say

Saudi Arabia or

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I have the same idea, countries with lower ID numbers! I think it’s fascinating how people get into post-crossing, so a country with a lower ID might mean that they have stumbled on this by accident. Or it’s a smaller area in general.
I don’t have any set lists of places I’d love to see cards from but I am also hopeful to get one from Israel as I have been wanting to visit there since I was little (I had a trip planned for May 2020 but that obviously was cancelled). I’d also really love to get some from South American and African countries as I rarely get from those continents.

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Just an observation or two about this. If you would like to receive postcards, stamped and written, from certain countries, you may have to wait a very very long time and possibly never receive any. I have postcards from seldom seen or rare countries unwritten sitting in my trade box that were offered and declined because they weren’t sent from origin. Again, only an observation.


If I had to choose a country/region, I would be in the mood for an Iceland-card :blush: (like others)
As far as I know it’s the origin of the low-pressure areas for Europe or let’s say it’s important for the weather in Europe, so I don’t say anything wrong. And yes, it’s said to be a beautiful island.
So that would be my current hope to receive-some-day-postcard. :slight_smile:
Antartica would be pretty cool - maybe even cooler, too, of course. :smiley: :grin: oh no…what have I written? :laughing: sry, that wasn’t intended, but yeah, it’s obviously true.

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I would love to receive cards from:

  • the islands belonging to the UK (the Hebrides, the Shetlands, the Orkney).
  • Greenland
  • Iceland
  • Antarctica
  • some parts of the USA: Alaska, Hawai, Portorico
  • Ecuador - the Galapagos
  • the Galapagos
  • Canadian teritories
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If I got a card from Chad, I could die a happy man.

But honestly - a card from any of you folks would just be the bee’s knees! :wink:


My opinion:

This quote is from @reiselustig. Sorry for stealing your words but I could not write it better! :grin::slightly_smiling_face:


I would love to get a postcard from Mexico :heartpulse:

Maybe someday

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I sent 29 cards from St Lucia in July. Though the post has been slow, some have already arrived. I like to think the rarity of the country has made some recipients happy. :laughing:


CHECKED THIS ONE off my list YESTERDAY!!! And the story behind it is definitely a God story. When this postcard arrived in my inbox and I saw where it was from the smile on my face could not have been any bigger. The first words out of my mouth was God Loves Me So Much that He would get a postcard all the way from Iraq to me with my name written in Arabic!! Can the day get any better??? I registered it, added a message to the sender telling them how beyond thrilled I am, and shared a bit about why it is so special. The senders response to me was lengthy, which had me thanking God all over again. I had NO IDEA how DIFFICULT it is to get a postcard out of Iraq AND the COST! Oh My Goodness!!! I also learned that the sender has to cross a border to get the card out of the country for less than $10 US dollars But when they do that it is “labeled” by the country it sends from. And that label is put right over the top of the Iraqi stamps. The sender told me to treasure the stamps on this postcard even though they are covered by the Deutsche Post label. Also in the note the sender shared that they had actually been to the place I live at one time in their life when they went to one of the Universities in our state to get a masters degree. I about fell over!

If ever I could be excited over a piece of card stock…it is TODAY! I’m simply over the moon! I will always sing of the goodness of God because His goodness is running after me.

IF you are hoping for a card from IRAQ this is what the sender had to go through to send it. My sender crossed over to Basrah from Kuwait for just a few hours, imagine the security requirements and scares. The sender tried to mail the card from the local post office, but they told the sender that postage is 10$ each (imagine!), plus, they refused taking any international mail. They only send domestic mail at the moment. The senders friend is a doctor in Basrah - a postcrosser too - and he stopped sending sending mail due to mail being so expensive and totally unreliable. In Kuwait, it is very similar.

So the sender ended up sending me the card though a private mail company. Sender told me to hang on to the stamp under the sticker! This private mail company stopped operating two days ago. I guess thats why they had send it though one of their partners, Deutsche Post.


Yes and no. There is currently one member listed for Antarctica but they haven’t logged in for a year. Most of the postcards sent from Antarctica are from Postcrossers using Travel Mode while visiting. There was recently a Postcrossing blog post that talked about the Port Lockroy post office, which is a popular spot for cruise ships and other tourist expeditions to visit during the summer tourism season. There is also McMurdo Station, a research facility where scientists live year-round that Postcrossers can send cards from.


Thank you for sharing. Really awesome how that all happened! I love when God does something like that to say, “I love you” and lets you know he hears you :blush:


Hi Ron,

Such a pity that these cards were refused because not sent from origin, but some collectors do have some strict limiting rules. However, may I suggest that you offer them for swap on the forum? I would be delighted to have them, for instance…

Hello Françoise,

In the Forum, I generally respond to offers and only on occasion post my own. But even in the Forum, members will state they are looking for cards from X, Y, and Z countries; uncommon countries. When I responded that I had several of the cards they were seeking, the usual response was “thanks, but I am looking for them to be sent from origin.”

There have even been a few cases where US members were looking for certain US states; my inventory of US cards is quite deep. Once again “thanks, but I am looking for the card to be postmarked from that state.” And that was that.


Agreed!!! Today I received a card from Japan and the view on the card is the place the sender goes on their lunch break. My mouth hit the floor. So incredibly gorgeous!!!