Vertical postcard back - what do you do with it?

Hi lovely folks!

Not so long ago I’ve ordered my first postcards from postallove. When they arrived - I turned first one back, saw the unusual vertical orientation, made big :eyes: but thought “ok, it’s because the picture is vertical too”…

…then I realised all postcards have the same back :flushed:

My question is: where do you put the address/stamps on it?
Do you cover the top right square with a stamp and put an address on the lines?
Do you use the lines for the address but put the stamp right above it?
Or maybe you can’t be bothered and address it like a normal postcard anyway?

I need some inspiration here, help :joy:

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When sending within Germany I write the address and stamp as usual, on the right side, put a slim washi in the (vertical) center and write the message on the lines. Else the receiver might need to pay a fee.

When sending internationally I divide the card with a slim Washi again, put the stamp(s) right above the lines (yes, in the center of the card) and put the address on the lines. The text goes to the top.

Never had any problems with either of these methods.

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I have some such received cards. They are all with different location for stamp and address :sweat_smile:

As for me, I like when stamp is top right and address is on the lines, so there is enough space for message.

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I just sent my first vertical postcard, too! I am always disproportionately worried about making a postal faux-pas, so I did my research.

These are the rules for the US, but yours might be similar:

  • The address side of the card must be divided into an upper portion and a lower portion, with or without a horizontal rule. The portion of the address side that does not contain the destination address is the message area.
  • The address, postage, and any Postal Service marking or endorsement must appear within the portion containing the destination address. As an alternative, when the destination address appears within the lower portion, it is permissible for the postage, return address, and any USPS marking or endorsement to appear in the upper portion. The portion bearing the destination address must be at least 1-1/2 inches high.
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Well, if it was up to me, I’d ignore the way the reverse of the card looks, turn it round to landscape and carry on as usual. In other words, ignore the lines and proceed as usual for a UK/Irish postcard.

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This is how I usually send them:


Thanks people! I see there’s no consensus and that differently adressed postcards arrive no problem - that’s good news :relieved:

Wow USPS being prepared and stuff! Meanwhile An Post just lists minimum and maximum dimensions and the rest is free for all :joy: I’ll take that into consideration when sending to US though, thanks!

Is that a stamp of just hand drawn lines? (I’m asking because if it’s a stamp, I want one!)

Note to myself: get rid of all vertical postcards before, if ever, I move to Germany :joy:

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It never happened to me though, but I heard of some unlucky postcrossers :frowning: But it’s only an issue when sending from Germany to Germany…

I have never sent one of these, but have received a number of them, and in many cases the address is written on the lines in what is then the lower part of the card, and the stamp is in the bottom or middle right near the edge. Occasionally also at the top next to the printed ‘stamp’. And plenty people turn it sideways and write it in the conventional manner, ignoring the print. All arrived here :slight_smile:

I do want to add tho that those guidelines aren’t strictly enforced. I think those guidelines are for the machines.
I’ve done mail art where the address, stamps, etc were all over the place and it still got delivered, it’s just ye pay an extra ‘non machinable’ charge if it’s an envelope and if it’s a postcard ye just gotta make sure it’s written clearly


I always just out the address on the lines on the bottom and the stamps on the right side. Never had a problem with a card not being delivered

i always put the address on the lines and then the stamp next to the address, so that would be on the bottom right. though now i think about it i could also put the stamp top right, makes more sense, no?
and then i turn the card around and write the message horizontally. i actually like these cards because there’s a lot more space to write.

I like that kind of postcard very much. For me they are very practical. I put address on the lines, and on the right top stamps. And people always received it.

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I just adapted the card to the common layout Deutsche Post recommends for automatic cancellation and sorting. The vertical layout would require a manual cancellation and sorting which is way more expensive (3,70 € instead of 0,95 €). Within Germany it is also possible that the recipient has to pay the missing postage as @Cassiopheia mentioned.

No, not a stamp, just hand drawn lines.

But I know that such stamps exist. A quick search let me find this.

I am one of those unlucky Postcrossers :sob:. But I must admit that in our region it seems that we have former Generals or Admirals (or for Germans: Blockwart) working for Deutsche Post :roll_eyes:
And sometimes I think they’re just waiting for my name to read and then they inspect the card from up to down and backward and forward. Just to find something wrong.
But yes - it’s only a Germany to Germany thing.