Valentine's day postmarks (usps [usa])

Here are some Valentine’s Day postmarks that will be avaliable from USPS stations. The information was taken from the recent issue of the USPS Postal Bulletin.

These are the addresses to write to the following Postmasters. Make sure you have the right amount of postage required to send it to you or others, Whether its a domestic destination (US to US, including territories and Compact of Agreement countries) or an international destination (US to International).

Here are the addresses to write to the certain Postmasters for the offices offering the following postmarks.

The pictoral postmarks are announced in the online Postal Bulletin in the Stamp Services section.

Link to Postal Bulletins: Postal Bulletin - Resources -

New update: Loveland Colorado.

Every year, at the Loveland Colorado post office there is a Valentine’s Day postmark that gets used for that season. It wasn’t announced in the Postal Bulletin, but I am linking here the info from the Chamber of Commerce website from Loveland Colorado of the postmark that is avaliable at the post office and the re-mailing program.


I have never heard of such a thing. Send them my postcards and they will open the envelope, stamp them and send them off??!! Thanks for the information!



Yes. Its exactly how you described it.

Yes you can request any postmark from any post office by writing the postmaster and request they hand cancel the cards or envelope with their stations stamp.

Additional postmarks can be found online in the Postal Bulletin on USPS’s website.

I always write a small note to the Postmaster and request to recieve a hand cancel.

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Thanks for the tip!

Oh that is so lovely!

I know I am a year late for this, do we know if they are doing it again this year? Or if this is a yearly thing?

~Echo <3

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For the most part it is a yearly thing with the Loveland Colorado or the Valentine Texas post office’s doing it.

Check the postal bulletin online in the section that says stamp services. Other post office’s may offer a Valentines mark. We’re early in 2022 so keep checking. Sometimes it’s announced early in the bulletin online

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New update from the Postal Bulletin.

Updated above.


Thank you for the information, @princeofasturias. I had no idea that this was a thing. I sent 2 postcards today to the Romeo, MI station for stamping. One is going to my best friend and the other is going to my daughter. :grimacing: I hope it works.

I sent 4 postcards to Bliss, and one should come back to me. I’m excited to see how it will turn out.

@libertad you should post a pic of how it came out when it comes back to you.

I always send out to others but never send myself one. Lol.

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Thanks again for the tip. The card sent to Romeo, MI was delivered to my friend on yesterday. The postmark was pretty cute:

I will do this again at some point. :smile:


Very cool postmark! Didn’t expect it to be red.


That looks pretty cool.