Using Postcards as Weapons

You can turn repeated countries off (if not already) and then you won’t get too many RU-addresses at the same time. I have 59 slots and 32 cards travelling. One RU is travelling 30 days now, and I got 3 new RU addresses yesterday (out of 14 new addresses) after 3 RU cards expired the last few days.

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I won’t call postcards weapons, or think can serve that. But postcards are great materials for History, and they have been used in the past for knowing History that wasn’t serving a Historian.


Great idea ! Only with LOVE

Last Friday I wrote and sent a postcard of solidarity to the Ukrainian Ambassador for Germany in Berlin. :slightly_smiling_face:
Not as a weapon meant but to express my sympathy and “moral” support. :slightly_smiling_face:


To IzabelaBB, Maybe your recipient will never get it, Just maybe your nice message and pretty postcard will be seen and read by someone. For that someone it may bring a happy moment.

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No. It might be intented to work this way but at least in my case didn’t work. I got an address of Kapverde Islands last year when Deutsche Post didn’t sent there. I wasn’t able to resend this card within a year as still no post service was available. But I got this address. I was unhappy about having sent a postcard for the big waste bin. Finally I contacted the receiver by message to tell him that I had sent but it never reached him.

the algorithm is now taking into account which countries can not send to Russia currently so if your country has stopped you can confidently request more addresses. I just did 10 cards and half went to my own country and the rest to Germany and France. I should boost my numbers a little quicker while this lasts as I usually get about half of my requests for Russia and they always expire at 60 days before arriving…some even truly expire after a year :frowning:

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