Using of Monthly Writing Prompts

So out of curiosity, has anyone actually received a postcard that has used the monthly writing prompt as the subject matter? I always seem to forget about using that when writing my cards and yet there are times when I struggle with what to write, especially when the bio is very short, that it would be useful. I have only been in the group for a little under a year but I myself have yet to get a card using the prompts. Just one of my many random thoughts for the day.


Not sure if I’ve received such a card. Never checked whether the text of a card I got coincided with recent writing prompts. But on least one occasion I have made use of the monthly theme and written several cards on it :slight_smile:


I don’t remember receiving one, but I used to use the prompt myself, so other people will have done!


I’ve received cards answering questions I have in my bio, but I’ve never received a card that answered the monthly writing prompts posted in Postcrossing’s blog. I have, however, used the blog’s writing prompts for the postcards I send to others. It’s especially useful to send to those who have little to no information in their bio.


Not a once!

I’m a newbie here… what’s the writing prompt for the month? (I’m going to look this up!) I think this is a good idea if we dont know what to say. But to answer your question no, I just speak freely. Telling the person about my day (if anything exciting happened), mostly about the weather or anything they post on their page.

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Never received one and never write one :smiley:

Each month it’s located under the blog tab. Thanks @yudi for posting the link.

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Only a few weeks ago someone referred to the monthly writing prompt and then asked “what about you?” - that was the first and only time anyone has ever used it on a card to me, and also the only time I ever wrote anything concerning such a prompt (and it was only in the registration message).

I’ve never received one… BUT I do use the monthly writing prompt when I come across a blank profile or a profile that only lists the cards they want to receive on it.