User profile entirely not In English

Hi, I’ve just drawn a profile. It is in the members native language. Do I report this somewhere? Pm the user in advance of sending a card? Send a card and tell them they shoul d change their profile? Something else? Thanks :pray:

Please report this by using the Help function on the main site.

I would not contact the user but just send them any card I thought fit.



Entirely ‘not in English’ … It’s different than ‘not entirely’ in English :slightly_smiling_face:


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I personally wouldn’t report that profile. I had that in the time I’m here at postcrossing twice. Both time it was just accidentially.

I just send a nice card fit their wishes. Not so difficult to get it translated, if you really want. And I just informed them in a nice manner to kindly translate their profile to English and some reasons why.

Faster of course would be sending them a message.

I don’t see any sense in bothering the postcrossing team with it. Would report it just when there is no reaction to my kind poking


@Izzy2018 so do you mean that a Brit and an American understand this differently: entirely not in English? Or a Finn and an American? :grin:

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Hmm, that’s interesting. To me, as a non-native “entirely not” means not at all, i.e. the profile had no words in English. “Not entirely” would mean it had a part in English and a part in other tongue.

I also hadn’t noticed a difference between British and American English in that regard, at least until now :wink: I read a lot of American English on a daily basis, btw.


This conversation seems to be going a bit off-topic, but the main question has already been answered… so I’m going to close it here.

Please do report profiles that don’t have an English portion through the Contact page — we’ll poke the member and gently encourage them to write a bit in English.