USA small denomination (lemons/strawberry)

Does anyone have any leads on where to buy the USA lemon/strawberry stamps without purchasing an entire GIANT coil of them from the USPS website? Any advice would be much appreciated :blush:


If you go to your local post office they have sheets of 20. Or you can buy just a couple at a time.

My local PO only has the lamps/necklace/coffee pot small denomination stamps :worried:

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Just checked ebay and looks like they are available. Probably going to be worth more then the value though.

The USPS can order them for you.

You missed out on our group buy from a few months ago, but it may be worth posting on the thread to see if someone will sell you some

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I got lucky with a group buy for the lemons. But then I wanted the strawberries… Since they’re so cheap I decided to just go the ebay route for those.

Thanks for the EBay tip! I’ve been wanting these stamps too but didn’t want to buy the big coils. I just bought 100 each on eBay. Excited! Lol

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I moved the topic to the North American section as it seems to concern US Postcrossers only. :slight_smile:

@alschiavo, I bought some recently on Etsy. I paid more than face value, but the seller indicated that the proceeds from their shop were donated to medical research. I was happy to support and happy not to have giant stamp coils to store. :slight_smile:

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