Usa postmarks

Hi, I am curious on how to get postmarks from different post offices without having to travel there? I am looking for the older postmarks that some post offices have.

I would guess that if you sent an S.A.S.E. in an envelope addressed to “postmaster” at the respective post offices, along with your request, he or she would be happy to postmark your envelope and send it on to you.

I have taken cards to different post offices in the Philadelphia area and some will and others will not. In the city itself I have been told that only the Ben Franklin branch is designated to postmark stamps (yes, the nation’s first post office is still functioning on Market Street in Philadelphia).


I would assume that once a postmaster opens your envelope, and then finds your S.A.S.E., he would be compelled to send it back to you. I would think that the post office in question would then, likewise, be compelled to postmark it before sending it back.

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I do include a short note to the postmaster.
I am sure they would know what to do but seems a bit rude to not include a note (and a thank you). :slight_smile:


Lot of good info here:

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OP I have also used this as a reference as well.

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