[USA] LOTTERY: 🌊 Monterey Aquarium Wooden Postcard

(I wasn’t sure if this should go in lotteries or the North America category-- please move if necessary!)

I had the chance to go to one of my favorite places this past weekend, and stocked up on plenty of postcards :wink: To my delight, the Monterey Bay Aquarium also sells wooden postcards! I thought it would be fun to host a lottery for one.

Here is the postcard up for grabs:

It will also feature a themed stamp (along with others to cover necessary postage):

It will be written, stamped, and sent to the winner! I am a bit nervous about sending one internationally, so I thought I would send one within the USA first, before trying a lottery for my second one :blush:

:email: I’ve done some reading on how to successfully mail a wooden postcard. It seems that they sometimes make the journey better if sent as a letter in an envelope, so if you would prefer it sent that way, you may request it (I will still stamp the postcard for the sake of it). Otherwise, we’ll learn about it’s non-machinable journey together! :love_letter:

To enter: Please write your number in order and tag yourself. Ex: #0 @Budgie, and so on. If you want, tell me what your favorite sea creature is :fish:

The lottery will close in a week (3/30/23) at 8pm PDT.


#1 @Skittykitty

It is a cute postcard!
Thank you for the lottery!


Sea turtles !!!

Thank you !

A beautiful card. I look forward to your international lottery. Good luck with this one and thanks for offering it.

Paul from Australia.

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#3 @miramei
Aw yes the marine sanctuaries stamp!
Thank you for the lottery.

I like seals! :seal:

#4 @Shana_Leja
Thank you so much for this lottery.
I still remember our trip to Monterey back in 2017.

I love rays and otter.
If you have a Monterey card left for swap please let me know.

#5 @Cera1985
The sea turtles :heart_eyes:
Thank you so much !

Ah, I love it! I though about buying a magnet like that, but ended up going for one of a giant isopod-- one of my favorites.

I’m keeping this lottery to just USA members for now, but I’ll have an international lottery for more wooden postcards from Monterey soon. I do have more postcards from the trip for swap-- I’ll PM you :smiley:

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#6 @liz_ridge1951

thank you for starting this lottery! How fun. Favorite sea creature: sun fish, they are just so odd looking.


#7 @Bellusion
This is really cool!
I don’t really have a favorite sea creature, I like them all. Well, do mermaids count? Lol

#8 @toadallycool
Do frogs count? LOL. If not, I love leopard seals! :smile:

#9 @Bikurgurl - honu/Sea Turtles {though I love them all - whales, sharks, rays, dolphins, sea otters, eels, barracuda, anemone, all-the-fish…… :ocean::black_heart:

#10 @Wynnie
Super cool lottery.
I just love dolphins!

#11 @kissthebeehive

Man, I’m a wooden postcard madman. I love seahorses and, of course, Portuguese man o’ war!

#12 @Beachyblonde

How fun! I love belugas!

Thank you for the lottery!

#13 @260aaron
Oh so adorable! :heart_eyes: Thanks for the lottery!

#14 @pcronn

Thank you! The Monterey Bay Aquarium is wonderful.

#15 @Banissalam
Thanks for lottery

#16 @tatteredbutterfly67
What a cute card and stamp. I think otters are the cutest thing. I read that they hold hands while they sleep to prevent drifting away from each other. Could anything be any sweeter. I’ve heard about the wooden postcards, but have never actually seen one. Thanks so much for the chance to win one :blush::heart:

You’re welcome! Unfortunately for now this lottery is restricted to USA only while I test out getting a wooden postcard hand-cancelled, but I’ll be holding a second international lottery for my other wooden postcard soon! Hope to see you participate then :dizzy:

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