US Proposed Price Increases - 7/09/23

let me just say that I’m thankful for Forever Stamps.

I still have several 3 cent stamps I bought years ago (prior to Forever Stamps). Have no clue what to do with them. LOL.

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First choice: send them to me :smile:
Second choice: the USPS just released a 40 cent red fox stamp recently. You could pair a 40 cent stamp along with three 3 cent stamps to make 49¢ for a domestic postcard before 07/09.

Lol. I was thinking of that. But I don’t want to buy a sheet of 40 cent stamps , I don’t have that many 3 cent stamps. :slight_smile:

Occasionally I send a card inside an envelope and place a low value stamp on it, anywhere from 1 to 5 cents

these bi-annual (or at least it seems to me like it’s bi-annual) price increases is bonkers! :expressionless:

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Yep - they’re gonna be biannual starting from last year. Price increases in January and July from now on unless something major changes.

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