US postcard and international stamp designs

I enjoy looking at new stamp designs. Today I received a catalog from the United States Postal Service (Philatelic, 2022, volume 27, quarter 4).
Over 35 pages of beautiful stamps…but all of them for US letters (current price 60 cents). Anything new for US postard stamps (current price 44 cents) or international stamps (current price $1.40USD)? No!! Same old designs we have had for a long time.

I know I could mix and match stamps to equal what I need for a postcard, but most of the time I want use the space to write to the person receiving it, not coveringit with stamps! I also know I could search various places for vintage stamps but they can cost more than the face value.

Information on the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee is at Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee - Who we are - These are the folks who decide on new stamps. I don’t know if they also determine the rate for them, too. Anyone interested in a postcard campaign asking to get a better variety of the stamps we use for postcrossing? Other suggestions? I just want to have more choices than what we have now!
–Kelly (kellycmh)