US ONLY 'Quoted Postcard' Lottery {CLOSED}

Hi everyone, :wave:

I want to do a US ONLY lottery for these beautiful quoted postcards.
I will be picking 8 random winners by the end of the month,
and to participate number and mention name as usual. :v:

I am an active RAKtivist and believe in helping our community through snail-mail.
I absolutely love the idea of spreading love and mailing kindness to those who need that extra little bit of :sunny: to make it through the day, so please look at my forum profile to learn more about my Instagram account.(Follows get extra chances to win :partying_face:)

Good luck.
Kim :four_leaf_clover:

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#1 @niki5

Thanks, Kim for hosting the lottery.

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#2 @PamUSAOhio

Thank you for the lottery. :grin:

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#3 @BarbL

Thanks so much for the lottery! :smiley:

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Yay how fun

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#5 ellistrations

Thank you for the fun lottery! :blush:

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#6 @dnrhott

Thanks :blush:

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#7 Beachyblonde

Thank you for the lovely lottery! What a great idea!!

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#8 @jewelldelis

Thank you for the awesome lottery and spreading the joy!

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#9 @TwasBrillig

What a lovely set of cards - thanks for setting this up!

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#10 @maami

Thank you for the lottery!

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#11 @Ukucaitie
Thanks for the chance. These are lovely :cherry_blossom:

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#12 journeyforth

Thank you, lovely cards!

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Hi! :wave: Ending my very first lottery a few days earlier than expected…
But wanted to let all of you :arrow_lower_left: :arrow_lower_left: know that I am happy to send a postcard your way!


Please DM me your address and I will get these out for you next week. :partying_face:
Have a great summer all! :sunny:


I received my Quoted postcard today! Thank you! :slight_smile:

Quote: It’s a slow process but quitting won’t speed it up!

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