US 2023 Stamp Announcement

i dont hate it, just not my cup of tea haha. i think for me, it just feels very reminiscent of 2018’s flag stamp without movement or personality, which gives the design some dynamism and graphic punch :woman_shrugging:t2:


It looks like 2023 is going to be a more exiting year of stamps, I found this year to be a lot of photographs and boring stuff (although there are/were some that I LOVE), I’m definitely going to get those sailboats, I am a bit disappointed that there isn’t a new international stamp announced at the moment.

Super nice offerings coming our way!!

Waterfalls :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I zoomed in on the Great Smoky Mountain stamp thinking…ooooh I like that! Then saw it was $26.95 :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:…you think I’ll get one on a postcard? :thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow::rofl:


Not going to lie, I have yet to figure out a reason to use the high value stamps :joy:


Do people use those on parcels? Or is it if I want a letter to arrive in London…TOMORROW! No ifs, buts or maybes!! $26.95 is a lot of postage :grimacing:

ETA…$26.95 usd is about $42 AUD. I think that would cover express international postage on an envelope. I’ve never used express international…so I have no idea what it’s worth. But I know we have it.

ETAA…lol…just read it says priority mail express!

ETAAA…just looked at Oz Post. For me to send a small envelope to UK express…
1/ I can’t get it there overnight…no surprise
2/ it’ll cost me $99 AUD via courier (2-4 days) or $35 via Oz Post (4-8 days) :grimacing:

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Agreed, this sucks. But there’s some great ones in there that make up for it

Err … ummm … you don’t send cards via overnight express mail??? :thinking:


The new GSM stamp wouldn’t fully cover the domestic flat-rate envelope. I’m confused why they shorted the value of the stamp

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:rofl::rofl::rofl:…I just assumed everybody did that…:crazy_face:.

That seems very odd that it doesn’t cover the standard post office rate!

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Oh, Toni Morrison! Awesome!

We had the Raven last year

True! I meant people as subjects.

USPS has a comprehensive list, including George Morrison’s art from this year.

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i am ALL about these fox stamps :star_struck:


Looks like an exceptionally good selection for 2023. It’s great that the fox and sailboat stamps, which will be especially useful to us Postcrossers, are so beautiful. I also love the Pinatas, Thinking of You, Chief Standing Bear, and RBG stamps.


For the 40¢ fox stamp, I’m going to throw out the suggestion of ordering 20 x $1 (I really like the green $1 image though it is slightly large), and pick up a sheet of 5¢ stamps for the required $1.45 postage.

Anyone have a guess which ones are the smaller size, which are great with limited room on some cards? Pinatas and winter animals I’d say from the images; sailboats a definite improvement over barns in my opinion.

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I really like the continued inclusion of Mexican-American culture and to have another stamp for women’s sports. I like these upcoming tulip blossoms sooo much more than the tulips from this year. I’m looking forward to the red fox, the sailboats, and the railroad stations. But my absolute favorites are the snow globes! Wish I had 'em already for this December!


Some interesting ones, but they continue the tradition of producing uninspired designs as well.