Unregistered Postcard Question

I got the message “A postcrosser has received a postcard from you and requested help from us to identify the Postcard ID to register it. The correct Postcard ID was found by Postcrossing and sent to the member.”
I’m guessing that it’s because the person couldn’t read my handwriting or the ink got smudged during the delivery.

This is well and good except that the person never ended up registering the postcard. It’s been about three days now. Should I contact postcrossing about this or should I keep waiting? I don’t want the postcard to expire.

I think someone who has made the effort of contacting the support to get the ID deserves a little patience and time. Maybe he/she is just busy. I’d wait a little more.


Yes, but what if the receiver thought that by contacting admin, they had done enough? They might assume admin automatically registered the postcard for them. I think if it’s not been registered over the weekend, I would get in touch with admin to see if anything more can be done.


The receiver also get a mail that the ID was found and that he has to register the card.
So allow him/her a few days. :wink:


Precisely. I asked for help once and I received an email with the ID so I could register it myself. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity of sending a hurray message, for example.

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If you like you can friendly ask what the Problem was. Than you can make it next time better and you can send him or her a reminder with the question what the Problem is with the postcard ID. U like doing it next time better so please help me and say what i did wrong. Most time it helps :slight_smile:

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Thanks for all of your feedback everyone! I decided to wait like everyone said. I had 6 traveling postcards at the time. One of them got registered so maybe it was that person? The hurray message I got was very long so maybe they wanted to take their time to respond to the postcard (which was very sweet).
On the other hand it could have been a completely different person registering theirs.

Maybe I’ll just wait until the rest of them are either registered or expired and if one is expired I can contact the admin then to see if it was the one with the ID problem.


I would contact administrative about it. Or maybe the moderator here can help. When they find the
ID postcrossing sends the person requesting help a link, all they have to do is click the link and you are taken right to the “register card” page. And the ID is even automatically in the correct line. All the person has to do now is right a thank you message and then click register.
I would be concerned the person thinks the card was registered by postcrossing or they didn’t understand how to complete the process. The card isn’t traveling so I would ask postcrossing for help. They can contact the person.

We are unable to determine who requested our help. There are no copies of unknown ID requests.

Waiting is your only course of action.

Members request help in determining ID’s for a variety of reasons.
Below are some of the most common reasons that members request our help.

Often, when a Postcard ID can’t be read, it is because of mis-interpretation of the writing: 9’s are often read as 4’s (or vice-versa), 1’s and 7’s and 2’s are often mixed up, 5’s are read as the letter S… and the list goes on. Some issues come from the way certain cultures write the numbers in specific styles, which can be confusing. ^ and 1 are often confused.

Another other common fault we see, is that a number is left out — especially if it is a repeating number. For instance, “123334” is written as “12334”, or numbers are transposed and “12345” is written as “12354”, and the list goes on.

Lastly, sometimes the Postcard ID is correctly written, but the recipient might be unable to read it because the post office stamped the postmark over it, or the postcard got wet and the writing got smudged. More rarely, postcards can get damaged and/or arrive in fragments.

These are just some of the reasons the recipient of your postcard might not have been able to decipher this card’s Postcard ID. On the help section of the site, we offer some tips to keep in mind when writing the ID on your postcards.