Unknown Sender

Hello all!

I have a question for a long time now but I’ve always found solutions one way or another… Now I can’t seem to be able to solve my issue without your help…

How can you find a person when you don’t have a username or the tag/swap name of the item you received? I only have a name (which doesn’t show anything on my inbox with that name in it) and an address (since it came in an envelope). Problem is I don’t seem to be able to search for forum members from specific countries, and their first name isn’t probably part of their username.

Any help is appreciated! (would it help if there was a thread with items we can’t find the sender? So maybe someone would recognize the card they sent and show themselves?)


You can try the forum user-search for a first name, sometimes it helps. At least you know the country it comes from.
(Click the Burger-Menu in the top right corner and choose “users”)

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Since you know the city, you can search the user on the mainpage.

Go to explore, then country, state, city


Good luck


In community we trust! User found (although it took some time to find in which state the city belong!)

I still would love to be able to search through users by country, by interaction we may have had with them etc. But for now it will suffice! Thanks the topic can be closed I guess. Unless there are more people willing to suggest methods for searching…

In the old Forum there was a “thank you” thread exactly for this situation. Even if you couldn’t find the person you could at least thank them publicly in the thread for the card. I’m not sure if there is one here or not, maybe someone who participates more in tags and games can chime in?

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