University card station

Set up a table with cards, stamps and pens outside my campus office today. I added the Postcrossing web address to the flyer and copies of an article I published on Native American cards.


How nice! I am curious to know how people responded to this experiment!! :heart_eyes:


Yes, how many people took cards?

How wonderful🤗

I love this! What a great public service :slight_smile:

Just set it up today to help with the stress on the next 3 weeks…hopefully students will notice. I’ll refill cards and stamps if they do


Such a lovely idea! Looking forward to future updates :muscle:t2:

That’s nice. Hope it turns out just the way you wished it would.

This is so lovely! I hope the students enjoy the cards!

Wow! I’d love to see people sending their FIRST POSTCARD EVER from your table :heart:


I can see some postcards from Love’s Travel Stop on that picture :grinning:

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Yes and the Ben Franklin in BG!

Wow! When i have enough budget, i might steal this idea from you. I also work in a university setting, might be a good idea to put beside a postcard exhibit or yes, even just outside the office or classroom. Thanks!

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Wish I did this with my time at UC Berkeley. I did convince my flat mate back in autumn 2020 and he loved it.


We have a Spiderman in Pop Culture conference this fall so I think I’ll buy the big box set and just hand them out to students…they won’t mail of course and it will be their 1st postcard, but it’s a start.

I recently did a Social Justice activity in my Native American Women’s class: handed out prestamped postcards and asked them to write their thoughts to the Attorney General, but they didn’t know how…most had never seen a postcard before. Lack of familiarity with the medium is the biggest hurdle

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The project did fairly well, restocked the cards several times and grad students told me they used some. But now the semester is over so I packed up my station. My Chair asked for some cards and gave me 20 old bird stamps she had in her desk in trade


Wonderful idea

What a great idea!! :slightly_smiling_face: