unfamiliar with postcard

Personal check: A written check drawn on our bank to give in payment to someone. We write the date and amount and signature ourselves.

I still use checks, to pay my caregiver and people who we hire to work around the house, for instance.


Yes, the travelerā€™s checks do have a certain value. In the midst of your vacation, if you misplaced the checks or if the checks are stolen, Travelerā€™s will replace the checksā€¦

The checks and a debit card are drawn on my bank account. I use the checks to buy groceries pay bill, etcā€¦

If I use my debit card to pay bills on-line, there is a convenient fee. Yes, you have to pay for the convenience of paying your bills on-line!

For me, it is more economical to write a check, buy a stamp, and then use the snail mailā€¦

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Thanks! I think that was never really common here. Bank transfer and cash were much more common.


Ah! I I use my debit card, pay cash or do a bank transfer. No convenience fee here.

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In the States, there IS a convenience feeā€¦to call in or transfer my money on-line!

To do my banking, I am usually tore up, from the floor up, and make an appearance. If, I am wearing a hoodie and my transition lenses are dark from the Sunshine, I need to take off my hoodie and glasses. Oh, well!

Oh, and a fee - a paper statement, e-checkingā€¦

In my experience checks in stores are very rare, I have not seen anyone do that in several years. I have not heard of travelers checks in years, most people use a credit card outside USA if possible in my experience.

Many people pay bills directly from their bank accounts which does not have fees. I do that for my rent and to pay income tax. In the past year, I have paid one bill with a paper check via post (annual car registration).


Do they regard you as being the UNA-bomber otherwise? Banking seems to be super easy at your place - not!

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I was about 21 at the time when my friend, who is a few years older than me, wanted to mail something. I drove her to the post office and sheā€™s like well what do I do?

In hindsight I probably should have gone in with her but I was trying to encourage her to be brave and do something new on her own. I explained to go in the doors and talk to the clerk. They are normally really nice and would help her get the correct postage for the mail.

She came back out a few minutes later having had her first post office/mailing experience. I couldnā€™t have been prouder. :grin:


Speaking of Pony Expressā€¦

1960 - Pony Express
Vintage Full Mint Sheet of 50
U.S. Postage Stamps - 4Ā¢


Thinking in postage stamps is really postcrosser like! :rofl:
But before those stamps there was the Pony Express mail service company. :horse_racing::postal_horn::love_letter:

Before the Pony Express, the holler!

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I am old enough to remember that banks were promoting debetcards. That wasā€¦ 30 years ago?

Personal cheques were used for really big expenses like a car or camper. Although I do remember them occasionally being used for groceries. Mostly when we had a lot because of birthdays. The max amount for one cheque was like 400 gulden, I think about 180 euro? But since we have the euro (2001), they are no longer usable in the Netherlands. I used to work in retail and a lot of stores didnā€™t accept cheques as it was considered a risk and debetcards and cash were more convenient. I only encountered one cheque in all my years. I knew we accepted them, but I had to ask the manager how to verify themā€¦ :sweat_smile:

Travellar cheques had an set amount, but were often replaced by debet cards. As they were more convenient.

In the Netherlands people use debetcards or cash. I was really suprised when I lived abroad that I received a cheque with my monthly salary. That was just wild as I hadnā€™t seen those in 20 years and even back then, they were only for paying, not salaries! As they were payed or in cash or by bank.


I have a tradition of sending postcards from every place I visit. And often I face the same situation in small russian towns: post office workers donā€™t know what I mean when I ask for a postcard. They usually offer me greeting folded cards, and when I say ā€œNo, I need a POSTcardā€ā€¦they are like ā€œWhat? Itā€™s something what our grandmaā€™s sent back in USSR?ā€¦ā€ :clown_face: But this only about post offices in small towns, normally there is an assortment of postcards and even commemorative stamps.


I thought an otkritka is particularly a postcard.

No, itā€™s any card, including greeting cards (not including bank cards and business cards). A pochtovaya otkrytka is a postcard.


Hey, Iā€™d say you did good! And, well, tired and annoyed as postal clerks may be, itā€™s still part of the job to be helpful and understanding. So Iā€™m glad your friend managed.

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Iā€™ve worked in offices where new, young staff join and not only do they not get the concept of postcards but letters with envelopes! Ask them to address an envelope and stick a stamp on itā€¦ they donā€™t know how!

I just realised a whole generation of people have never and never will play ā€œpost officeā€. Anyone remember the toy post office sets kids had? Pretend stamps, rubber stamp, ink padā€¦ Hours of fun! :blush:


Some children wanted a toy kitchen, but I wanted the toy postoffice. Never got it unfortunately.


Eliza (my child who this account is for) wanted one sooo bad too when she was younger! We couldnā€™t find one anywhere, so Dad built it for her. She wrote letters and postcards to all of her toys. As soon as she was old enough to actually send mail and have penpals, she did that too and is still a very passionate snail mailer.