Understand the culture of each country

I’ve never been abroad. Since I typed letters and postcards, I only send postcards with people from my own country. Recently, I learned that many functions of this website are not very familiar, and my English is not particularly good. I hope to receive postcards from different countries to let me understand the culture of each country. Of course, I’ve sent three postcards to friends from three different countries. I’m afraid Drop piece

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Hi Jin, Don’t worry. You can send 5 cards at first. Once the cards are received, your address will be given out to others and 5 cards will be send to you from anywhere in the world. Since my experience is that post to and from China takes a long time, I think you might have to be very patient for your cards to arrive and for cards to arrive in your own mailbox.

It might be an idea to check the lottery and swaps in the forum to send and receive cards in the meantime. but that is totally up to you of course. Don’t give up hope in any case! Just be very patient, specially when you just start up :slight_smile:


thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hello Aaxuan

Welcome to Postcrossing. There’s no need to be afraid. This is a great way to get little glimpses of different cultures. As @KitKat7576 said, you just need to send your first few postcards (make sure you have enough postage on to send abroad) and then be patient. After a few weeks or months, you should have the pleasure of receiving a few postcards from people in different countries around the world. Give it a go. I’m sure you will enjoy it. :blush:


ok :kissing_heart:

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You will learn so much! Slowly, but surely, every card you send or receive will be a new experience. And maybe you can search on the internet about other countries! For example, if you receive a card from Germany, you can search about Germany or about the city the card came from :slightly_smiling_face: I know in China you have different websites and social networks than in the Western countries, but I’m sure you can find information too.



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Jin, your English is perfectly fine. :blush:

Most Postcrossers do not speak English as a first language, anyway–they had to learn it, just like you. Some people are very advanced, and some people are just beginning, but we all manage to exchange happy moments through the mail, regardless of our fluency. Also, many people here are interested in learning languages, and we would be happy to learn yours, too!

(Don’t be afraid of native speakers, either–often, our English is worse. :rofl:)

Also, don’t forget that you can always ask for help in your language community, stress-free! You don’t have to write in English there, as you do on the rest of the site. If you feel more comfortable asking questions there, go for it! :muscle:

Welcome to Postcrossing–we’re happy that you’re here! :partying_face: