Ukraine postal service

This is an interesting article


Thank you for sharing this poignant article @Izzy2018!
I have been sending cards and letters to Ukrainians since the invasion to boost morale during these difficult times.
I hope more Postcrossers refresh Ukrainian addresses from past mailings, and send a card just to let them know that the world is not forgetting them.
Also, @IAmPost has been connecting young Ukrainian Postcrossers with others who wish to send a pick-me-up note.
Certainly, based on this article, happy mail would bring some sunshine into an otherwise difficult time.


Thank you @Izzy2018 for sharing this with us! :blue_heart: :yellow_heart:

I’ve also been sending a lots of cards to Ukraine and they seem to arrive amazingly well :ukraine:

@HookedonPostcards has a great idea to send a surprise card to addresses you have got from Ukraine! I have also sent private messages to many Ukrainian users (via forum and also via main site) and asked if they would like to get a surprise card from Finland. Writing and sending cards feels almost therapeutic for me. Of course I also donate money etc. but it feels good to also do something concrete.


Delivering mail in war-ravaged Ukraine: ‘There are still people living here - article in Washington Post.


That Dad Guy reviews the Washington Posts article on Ukrainian Post. Exploring Gifted Postcards, Ukrainian Postal Services During War, and the World's Longest Stamp - YouTube


That’s amazing. There are still places where the mail doesn’t work because of covid (so they say, three years later), but Ukraine manages to do it while fighting off an invasion. I’m optimistic that Ukraine will come out of this stronger than ever.


Just a heads up. Could be a cause for lost postcards in the North East region of the country.

Rest in Peace to the workers who lost their lives and sending strength to the injured.

Ukraine war: Six postal workers killed in Kharkiv missile strike


A missile attack by a russian missile was carried out on the branch of “Nova Poshta”. This is a private company that transports parcels across Ukraine and abroad. Postcards are not forwarded by this company (as far as I know).

Eternal memory to all who died.


I hope Postcrossers continue to send mail to Ukraine. UkrPoshta has been doing a stellar job of getting mail delivered as best as they can, despite maneuvering around bullets, missiles, and mines. Mail is an essential morale booster. UkrPoshta has taken on the role of mail service as a front line essential service. So send mail. A lot!
I send over 50 items a month to Ukraine, and while each can take up to 2-3 months to arrive at the sender’s address, they DO ARRIVE. Some as quickly as two weeks.
As the cold months of winter approach, and as the holidays approach with the invasion continuing, happy mail would certainly be most welcome by Ukrainians.
Please, revisit your past Ukrainian addresses and send a card. Or two. Or three.
And if you don’t have Ukrainian addresses, you can send cards to Defenders at the front lines.
How? You can send through two international branches of Postcards to the Front. One located in Australia. One in Canada. Most envelopes can take up to five written cards. No need to stamp or address the cards as they will be forwarded to Ukraine in regular shipments that are sent by @Damage in Australia, or myself in Canada. So, 
 fill the card with your supportive message, a drawing. Something cheerful.
Check here for some Tips and Samples. And if you’re feeling adventurous, try some Ukrainian phrases.
Mail continues to find mailboxes in Ukraine.


I’m so sad about this evil attack :disappointed:

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The National Postal Museum (United States) interviews Igor Smelyansky to discuss the mail service in Ukraine. He also discusses the special stamps his Country issued.


Pardon, @baralgorkem? Could you write your message in English so all can read it?

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Hello everyone, today I bought an address to send to Ukraine, but you know that there is a war in Ukraine, when I send this postcard, will it arrive? Has anyone had experience recently?

Hello everyone, today I bought an address to send to Ukraine, but you know that there is a war in Ukraine, when I send this postcard, will it arrive? Has anyone had experience recently?

I have sent and received many cards from Ukraine during this whole time :blue_heart: :yellow_heart:
Cards are travelling very well at least between Finland and Ukraine


The Ukraine Post Office is doing a good job!


Yes. Ukrposhta is active and doing a great job. I have send hundreds of pieces of mail and not one has been lost in two years.