Ukraina Now

Greetings from Japan,

I would like to know a bit more of what is really happening now in Ukraina, the truth. We see on the news about current war in Japan everyday, but it is media viewpoints. I am more interested to hear from ordinary people in Ukraina.

Could anyone answer my questions via private message? In return, I can send you a wooden card made by Japanese cypress sent in an envelope.

Thank you and please stay safe and well.

Are you interested in what is happening right now? We were told that all schools should switch to distance learning by Friday, explosions in the center of Kyiv, a pedestrian bridge was blown up, they are disgusting. Since 7 am we have a siren, now 11:48


Hi @pollymart

Yes, I saw today the news in Japan about the explosion in Kyiv…

Can I send you a private message now as I have a question?

Stay safe and well.

I close this topic now, because @clubpostcards asked for answers of ukrainian members via PM .
So if you are from Ukraine and you will talk about the situation in your country please send a message to the TO.

I will remove all posts that are written from members from other countries from this topic.

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