UK prices

From news stories it looks like they claimed an operating loss of about £400m last year, mainly due to impairments, but I can’t find the annual report on IDS’s website to check.

When I started postcrossing I want to say it was less than £1 to post a postcard. The move from £1.10 to £1.17 sticks in my mind. BUT £2.50 to send a postcard!!!

It will be cheaper to do a day trip to Europe and post a batch of cards :frowning: France is E1.36 and living close to Portsmouth a ferry would be less than £2.50 per postcard.

So sad if postcrossing becomes something that’s only affordable from holiday.

There must be another company to send postcards through.


I got to say the price is just so high
I send post card from China which will cost me around 60p


So true. Whenever I’m about to travel to China I just stop sending and wait for slots to be released as card arrives. Then I send bunches of cards once I arrive in China.


Thats a great idea.

I’ve just discovered the cost of a UK stamp has gone up again, from £2.20 to £2.50. As much as I love Postcrossing this makes it quite an expensive hobby which I might have to give up now.
Has anyone got any suggestions as to how it can be more affordable?

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Day trip to Germany where it’s 0.95 euro a card

Or consider using Philatelink for stamps


Swap more cards at time in envelope :love_letter:


If you poke around the British Isles section of the forum, you’ll see a lot of discussion about the options (including the ‘international economy’ rate that will allow you to send mail for £2.20 outside Europe).


I travel abroad a lot and mostly send from there.
Malta €1.50. And so I did a lot of tags.
Italy next…

I remember many years ago there was a special 10g rate for postcards and aerogrammes.
Who should we lobby to bring back a 10g rate?


Hey @Remi_M

I’d definitely recommend for buying commemorative stamps at reduced prices, it’s a great way to make a saving & vary the stamps you use. And please do come join us in the British Isles section of the forum, it’s great for sharing tips & you can take part in tags & round robins with other BI postcrossers, so much cheaper at 85p per card :blush: and they arrive quicker too!

Emma x


I don’t know what stamp regulations you have in England. But there are certainly stamp stocks (mint) on eBay, for example, that you can buy for less than the normal value (at least in Germany). This is because many (old) collectors want to get rid of their mint stamps. What isn’t so cool is that it’s usually larger quantities and not individual items. Just have a look, maybe you’ll find something

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@Remi_M I understand your frustration. The USPS plans to raise the price of a First Class stamp from $0.68 to $0.73. You may not want to hear this, but years ago I stopped Official Postcrossing as well as most tags that involve sending single cards. It’s just not cost-effective. That being so, I do most of my trades in the Forum involving multiple cards. I can send 5 postcards in an envelope for the same price as a single card sent by itself. I do hope you don’t give up on Postcrossing, but your concerns are quite valid.

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