Trip to Tallin, Estonia 🇪🇪

I am visiting Estonia at the end of July and have a few questions that I hope someone can answer!
How easy is it to buy stamps?
What do the post boxes look like?
What can I do in 1 day in your city?
What Estonian specialties can I eat?
Thank you!

Hello @JustJo
It’s been awhile since I’ve been to Estonia so I can’t answer about how easy it is to buy stamps sadly. Which city are you going to? My answers for what to do depends on this. Food wise - Potato Salad, Hakklihakotlet (it is basically a meat patty), Mulgikapsad (It has Hapukapsas (Sauerkraut) with Pork and Barley), Kilu (it is a type of fish) Kruubipuder (Barley Porridge), Kohuke (it is a curd snack with lots of different options of flavours), Kama (I don’t know how to describe it. Just try it) and Kali (fermented fizzy drink).


Use Google, please!
Here is the link for all you need.

There is very easy to find stamps and postcards. The Post of Estonia is called Omniva (signs).
The main post office’s address: Pärnu maantee 22, Finest postkontor in the middle of Tallinn,
open Mon-Fre 10-19, Sat 10-15.
More information from the link.


When in the Old Town, I often pick up stamps at Tommpea Postkontor, Lossi Plats 4.
Right next to Aleksander Nevski Cathedral, you can’t miss it.

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You can get stamps at a post office or at an R-Kiosk convenience store (there’s one in the train station). Postage has unfortunately become quite expensive- 2,60€ for an international letter/postcard.
Most post boxes are orange, but you might encounter an older green box (on the main square for example).
I would recommend trying kali - a fermented (but not quite alcoholic) drink (it’s the same as Russian kvass), and kohuke- a sweet snack made of some cream-cheese-like stuff coated in chocolate.
I’m not in Tallinn very often, so I can’t really recommend anything specific to see there (although the Old Town and Toompea hill are impressive).

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@anon81351495 @kotona @Wolfsmondfee @KartuliMees

Thank you for the recommendations! We tried these 3 varieties of Kohuke and they were delicious, and I have bought some Kali to try after it has been in the fridge.
What a beautiful city Tallinn is :heart_eyes: