
Hi! I am new. When you are going to travel for an extended period of time, do you stop sending postcards a few weeks before you leave, so you make sure you can register all the postcards sent to you before you leave?

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I set my account to inactive about three weeks before or as soon as I know I will not be at home. That way I can send cards but won’t receive any.

When I set my account back to active once I am home I will receive all my outstanding cards.


To avoid receiving postcards when I’m away, I set my account to inactive a few weeks before I go away. And then I stay inactive until I get home.

I stop sending postcards IF I want to make sure I have many slots open for sending when I’m travelling.
If I don’t care about sending postcards when I’m gone, I keep sending postcards.


Hi @anitachi, maybe you want to check out how the travel mode works (I did some research for myself, so I share what I found).

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Thank you! I did look at the FAQs, but it wasn’t clear to me what happens to any outstanding postcards that are coming my way. I am definitely planning on using the travel mode.

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There’s no way of doing that! Some postcards travel hundreds of days - so you cannot make sure there won’t be any cards arriving in your mailbox while you’re away. But then, if the card travels for months, then the sender will be able to afford the patience to wait for a few more weeks for her/his card to be registered :slight_smile:


Don’t know if this is the right topic, but I have a question regarding the travel mode and maybe someone can help: is there a minimum of days you have to keep the travelmode activated? Or could you also have it on for a day or two?

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You can have it switched on as long or short as you want, even just a few hours.


Good to know, thanks for your answer

Once coming back from a trip I registered a card that had travelled 90 days. I don’t know if it arrived the day I registered or the day I left home a week earlier, you definitely can’t control that.

But going inactive a couple of weeks before a trip avoids at least some cards being delayed. I supposed it doesn’t work so well in countries with erratic travel times like Russia, you’d always have something on the way… :sweat_smile:

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I don’t do anything if I’m not at home for only one week. I do not receive so many postcards within just one week, so the registering time still will be reasonable.

If I’m not at home for longer, I set my account on inactive at least four weeks before. This might prevent most cards from laying around here unregistrated. Same when I have no possibility or time to registrate (sounds funny, but this happens sometimes).

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Thank you! I’ll be away for a few weeks, so it may make sense to set the travel mode now, before any of the four postcards I have “traveling” arrive to their destination.

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