Travel mode in Finland and Åland

Hi there,

we just arrived in Helsinki- two weeks in Finland (mostly around Helsinki, Tampere, Turku) and Åland are ahead…

Just a few questions- any tips about postcard shops in these cities?
Should I stick up with a few cards other than viewcards before going to Åland, or is there also a shop with more variety?
Special stamps available in any Finnish PO?
For Åland, I think, I’ll go to the post office near the airport, right?

Thanks a lot for any input :wink:

I’d recommend the book shop Rosebud in Helsinki, there are many of them in Helsinki, e.g. in the Citycenter shopping mall next to the railway station. Also Søstrene Grene in the Forum shopping mall (also close to the railway station) has some nice cards. In Turku there is a nice vintage shop in the market hall selling different postcards.

For special stamps I have heard that Box by Posti shop sells some stamps that aren’t available elsewhere.

And in Tampere, if you drop your cards in a postbox in the entrance hall at Tamperetalo/Moomin museum, you’ll get a special cancellation.

It’s while since I have been to Åland, but I recall book shops and tourist destionations (for example Smakby) have a good variety of cards. Check out also the main post office in the centre of Mariehamn.

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In Turku I’d recommend going to Hansa shopping center right in the center of the city as there are 3 bookstores inside that sell a bunch of postcards (also the kiosk and supermarket where you can find some cards too). :slightly_smiling_face:

In front of it there is the market hall where they also sell postcards and souvenirs. But for more variety I’d go inside the shopping center.

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Welcome to Åland Lisa :slight_smile:

If you want to meet some local postcrossers and have a small meetup, just contact us. We are a group of local postcrossers and always ready for a pop-up-meetup for international (and mainland) visitors.

The best selection of postcards is at the moment in Mariehamn Post Office (city center) and Visit Åland Tourist Office. A good choice of postcards you can find also from Mariehamn Bokhandel and Lisco Book Store.

Our association has also some Åland related Keep Calm postcards.

The post office at Visby (near the airport) is mostly for businesses and they don’t have so many stamp choices available. The post office in the city center has also a philatelic selection so they have almost all available stamps for sale.

Best regards,
Marko (insp3ktor) and other local postcrossers

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Hi Marko,

would love to join fellow postcrossers in Mariehamn!

We’ll be arriving on saturday, staying until friday next week. Sending you a pm with my contact details.

Have a nice week ahead!