Travel mode – Åland

Hej alla,

Jag reser på Åland denna vecka, och vill skicka därifrån korten med AX- kodan. De som bor där eller har rest där, vet ni, kanske man få Ålands kodan met lokal wifi, eller måste man fråga på Postrcrossings administrering?

Tack så mycket,

Seth / KartuliMees

Yes you need the local Wi-Fi if you want AX code in a travel mode.
Some local Wi-fi routers use the signal via the mainland Finland and in that case the postcrossing website doesn’t recognise that you are on the Åland Islands. For example, it happened to me a few times when I stayed in Airbnb apartments. In that case you can contact the Postcrossing team and ask them for help or you can use the public Wi-fis for example in a cafe, Park hotel reception area or in a library.
Enjoy your trip!

Thank you! I was able to use the wifi at the public library in Mariehamn.