TODAY'S THE DAY🎉 2 July 2023 - SUMMER MEET-UP ➡️ Windsor ON Canada

Just to double check, it’s 2 pm, right?

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Yes @FatCatPostcards

2 p.m.


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Got a friend you would like to bring? Please do! And lemme know so we can make room for everybody​:upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey!! I unfortunately am stuck working 12 hrs that day. Im sorry I will not be able to attend. Hope you all have a fantasti c time!

Bummer☹ Thanks 4 letting us know Pickles🥒

Hey everyone👋

@shelopolis @Krzysiab @lyndac @lamail @stephengreen @Jorryn @FatCatPostcards @OhCanada

If you could think about:

What is your absolute MUST HAVE for Postcrossing?

And BRING IT with you, for a little SHOW n’ TELL.

That would be fun​:upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t quite understand what you mean. What kind of item are you talking about. Could you give me an example. My must haves are so simple I bring them to every meeting.

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Yes @lyndac then bring what you normally use! That will be interesting:)

I, for example, have a special sticker I always like to include on my postcards.

Someone else may use a stamp with the date on it, or a particular brand of pen or marker…

Hello! Count me in! I’ll be there!

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Whoohoo🤸 @OhCanada :bangbang:

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One more coming. Mcbuchanan (Meaghan) is coming with Amy and I.

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So happy to hear this @mcbuchanan :tada:
Thanks for letting me know @lyndac :bangbang:

One day to go!!!
Look for the red, blue and white balloons​:balloon::balloon::balloon:

@shelopolis @Krzysiab @lyndac @lamail @stephengreen @Jorryn @FatCatPostcards @OhCanada @Tigergirl @mcbuchanan

It’s :umbrella:
We will be inside :coffee::love_letter::writing_hand:

I can’t wait for this to happen🤗


Have a fab time all!
I’m with you in spirit … even though I’m up to my neck in boxes and working toward that last backwards sweep out the front door …

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P.S. I should have asked earlier … hope this isn’t too late?
If you are going to do some cards for Postcards to the Front, would you be able to take a digital photo of the group? Maybe one of all hands writing, and/or one of all participants smiling and showing cards?
I know … last-minute cheeky.
But I just read the really awesome June newsletter from the Australian branch - where each postcard writer has now been officially awarded the title of Postcard Warrior of Ukraine - and I am thinking it would be cool to have an image for a blog post for Postcards to the Front Canada (if participants to the meetup agree to having a photo taken).
Thanks, and hugs to all!
Helen :hugs:

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Here are your photos. Will write more when I mail them back!
Xo N

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Unless you wanted to reach out to Meaghan @mcbuchanan

Thanking her and asking her if she could fulfill your request?

She was all for your idea and wrote a few!

Interesting fact: Did you know Meaghan has sent 13,938 postcards??? :love_letter:


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That’s her with the green watch.

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