To register my missing postcards from post crossing official

Hello everyone,

RUCHIK TRIVEDI here, i want to ask you here if anyone send me a cards via post crossing official please let me know the post card ID that you send.

Because I didn’t get any postcards since 3 to 4 month from official members, and I get notify via main from PC site to get registered the post cards.

I visit my area lost office for the cards from post crossing is arrived or not, but they says me that if any of my cards arrived they delivered it to me, but as I says there are no official cards received to me.

So I request here to tell me cards so I can get it registered on post crossing

Thanks & regards
Ruchik Trivedi.

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Ruchik, you should contact the admin team, they can provide you the details of your travelling cards.

Also, lodge a complaint on India Post website about the non arrival of cards.


Hello @ruchik_trivedi

postcrossing has so many members who are not active on the forum - so that would be a coincidence if someone came forward here.
But of course it’s not completely out of the question.

Besides, it’s not really allowed to register cards that you haven’t received.

The best thing is to contact the support and ask for help :arrow_right: Contact us



It would be against the rules for you to register cards which haven’t arrived (or for people to ask you to do so). The most important thing is to sort out what the problem might be. If you email Postcrossing’s support, we usually reply with the advice to check with your post office, check with neighbours/housemates/a building manager, and write a complaint if need be. If none of that works out, we usually suggest you try an alternative address. Then, when you change the address to the new one, all the cards on the way to you are registered, and you can have a fresh start and start sending cards again.

I hope that helps a little.


So sorry to hear that you have problems with receiving cards. There really has to be cards for you somewhere in Indian post because the cap between your sent and received is so large. Hope you have them registered and that they also find way to you some day.

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Yes I think this the only way to get my cards or answer about my cards if there were missing… atleast i know what’s the problem is …

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I also don’t like to do that way to registered cards, but Im getting frustrated when cards didn’t arrived after visiting post office, changing address, etc.

I also contact postman of my area, but he also have same answer that when card arrived I’ll delivered it to you…

I hope the mess will get clean soon by post division

Yes, please reach out to India Post either on Twitter or the official website.

Did you get any of mail? It is highly unusual that so many mails aren’t reaching you, maybe they are being redirected to the wrong place due to some sorting error :thinking:.

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