To our Canadian members re low rate stamps

Wellllll thank you so much, having another source is a treasure as you all are…

Will check them out too… :wink:

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The $1.30 and $2.71 stamps are Canadian stamps as well. It is confusing because people refer to them as US and International respectively. However, they are just regular old stamps of higher values.

I simply cannot get the CP website to actually complete a sale for me no matter what I do or what device I use.

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You don’t like the image of the world famous Cabot Trail?! Those of us from Cape Breton will try not to take it personally. I think it’s breathtaking but, of course, I am biased.

That being said, I rarely buy it because I hate just adding one stamp. I typically do two domestics and make up the rest with lower denom. stamps.

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The key I have found for eBay is to make sure they are mint and unhinged. Definitely stay away from anything used with no glue. I have never had a problem with any I have purchased but I did my research first and tend to buy from the same sellers over and over. Buying whole booklets would be the safest bet.


It’s not just me, there was a whole thread about it from non-Canadian folks and to be clear, I love Cape Breton, but the image doesn’t work as a stamp, it needs to be big like a postcard & then you get the proper effect.

I’ve had people ask me what the image was because they couldn’t figure it out.

It makes me crazy when we have fabulous images that clearly do work as stamps & we don’t use them.

Aw, I’m picking up what you are putting down. It needs to be a bigger stamp like the special ones but I get why they keep the internationals regular size.

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I wonder why they sell our US round interntls there? But wow, I love those Indigenous leader ones!!

They don’t sell American stamps.

I thought it seemed weird that they show them on their web page

That is not the Canada Post website. That’s a private seller of stamps.