TIP: Don't Buy Too Many Small Denomination Stamps

Just in case you all forgot, Postcrossing is about postcard exchange. We understand that stamps are required to get the postcard to its destination, but if you’re being fickle about the stamps then your not focusing on the real purpose of this project. Be grateful that someone is willing to send you a postcard with the correct amount of postage. :mailbox_with_mail:




I only need one two cent stamp to send mail and postcards to my friends in the U.S.A. It has made it much cheaper domestically.

I disagree and can only post this link :innocent:

My Friends were getting married so I sent them a card with no funny address on it. I did use 34 2 cent stamps though. You wouldn’t believe the length of the queue that forms behind you when you get...


I feel like this is Big Post Office playing reverse psychology tricking us into buying more 1 cent stamps. Well played Big Post Office.


I love to use the small denomination stamps for people who are collectors especially because the one cent USA apple stamp is only sold in the large coil. I will put postcards in an envelope if the profile requests it and I like a stamp to be on the postcard so I’ll put the one cent stamp in the stamp space on the postcard. It looks nice and a one cent stamp is sometimes cheaper than putting a sticker there.


I would love to receive that. The more stamps the better.

OH myyyyy :heart::heart::heart::heart:

What a treat to get this in the mail

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I work for the USPS and I smile every time I see an envelope filled with stamps. :wink:


These are my FAVORITE! I think they are GORGEOUS! I just received my order of 100 (!) because I mistakenly thought I needed to add it to the coral reef stamp. I enjoy using these!


still can find theses stamps in our postoffice, need 15 to send a postcard :smiley:


Some of each!!

Update I have finally almost run out of the small denomination stamps I purchased!


I really like this stamp!

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What is that Statue of Liberty stamp on the upper right corner? :heart_eyes: I’ve never seen that before!

It looks like it is actually part of the postcard design.

I use the small value stamps on cards that I send in an envelope. Nobody wants a unstamped card! But I do also use them in combo with other higher value stamps on envelopes to make up that $1.20


Yup! That’s exactly how I managed to work my way through my small denominations.

It is not a stamp. It is there on the postcard. That is a GF USA card :slight_smile: