Time spent on Postcrossing?

Hi everyone!

I guess I’m addicted to this now :smiley:
Just out of curiosity… how much time daily in average do you spend browsing the forum, searching for direct swaps, writing, putting stamps, going to the post office, in total?



Lol, yes it can be addictive for sure.

Time spent? Depends on the day - anywhere from 15-20 minutes to several hours.

And you haven’t mentioned finding postcards, either in real life or online which can include searching for postcards & postcard/mailing supplies, designing postcards & finding images to make postcards with & the ordering process, lol

And then there’s responding to postcards received, cataloguing/organizing them & your own postcard stash & any kind of album/storage/displaying processes too.


It depends on the day. In general, I have the forum open in a tab in the background and I check it randomly. It wou total about 2-3 hours a day maybe.

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Sometimes more and sometimes less :smiley:
More one weekend

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The forum stats says I have spent totally 8 days reading the forum, so that would be about an hour per day. Sounds about right, I am not using lot of time here constantly but now and then there is a good thread that demands bit more attention and it can take quite a while to write a reply. So sometimes I have cozy evening with replying comments, checking threads and so, but then other days I just quickly check in few minutes what is going on.

On the official site I would say I spend maybe an hour or two per week, having it open while I write postcards. I don’t go to post office and the mailing takes two mins by dropping the postcards on the box along the road on way to work. Bigger direct swaps can take bit more time with a visit to shop to pick up things, but I don’t make so many of those per year.

Hard to say the exact time spent. Depends a lot on what is going on and how active I am doing at the moment. On daily, I would say 1 - 1,5 hours sounds like a correct average.


I can do this all day :grin:

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Well, too much time, I guess… It is hard to reduce, after getting used to it, but soon I will have more stress at work and then probably it becomes less automatically… It is just too nice to look here and there in the Forum, especially because we also have a very active German section as well… Good that you only asked for the time and not for the money :wink: :grinning:


just got into the forum. Been on it always so great to connect and know others like the same hobby. Its very addictive :heart_eyes:


I feel more normal after reading all your comments :smiley:
After all…time spent on a hobby is a happy time and not a waste…
It is a very pleasant thing to do, search for nice RRs and direct swaps, reading stories from other people and connecting with them.
It is time invested :slight_smile:


I’m really kind of addicted to postcrossing :thinking:. I don’t use FB or other platforms. But I check on regular basis the postcrossing forum, play games, participate in lotteries, read profiles, write and send postcards. Well I do have a lot of time due to corona, and after being sick from it I don’t have enough energy to do a lot of physical activity. So now I spent even more time on the website.
And ofcourse I also spent time to scan the cards, upload them on zonerama and put them in albums. Since I changed from flickr to Zonerama I still have a lot of cards that need to be scanned.
How many time do I spent? I guess a few hours a day, spread over 24 hours :thinking: No I’m not addicted at all :joy: it’s only the first thing I think about when I wake up, even in the middle of the night :rofl:


I just checked my stats on this forum:

  • 174 days visited

  • 19d read time

  • 5d recent read time

Oops, I guess I have been spending way too much time on this forum, not that I’m complaining, of course. I’m quite sure a number of people have seen me commenting on quite a few threads and participating in quite a few tags actively. :sweat_smile:

Same here! I’m not addicted at all. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Haha :joy: I use daily since 10 years, never got addicted :joy:

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