The first Postcrossing card from my country

This one was sent by @Mundoo , still one of the forum mods.


Wow! Imagine being one of the first people to send a card, and sticking around so long that you end up moderating. Truly special :open_mouth:


Very nice , thank you so much for sharing

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You are right, so may of those first cards have both or one of the accounts closed, but then it is expected I supposed after 18 years. Many that are not closed are dormant. That is quite surprising. Also sad to see that the first three cards from Japan were either not sent, not received or not registered.

Whoa 1 to 6 either not sent, received or registered I suppose. And like in so many others your country’s first card has closed accounts too.

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And today Germany has crossed 13 million cards, way to go. Bulk of the cards that I have sent and received are from your country.

Yeah user @lowinsohn is very much active and has sent more than 7K cards till now. Whoa! :hugs:

Not bad at all @SleepyBee since then Russia has clocked 9.7 million cards :grinning:

Finland is a great card sender, I have received 11 from your country. And the last one was 4.4 millionth!

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I have received two from Singapore so far.

I have yet to receive or send one officially to Norway.

Oh that is very interesting to hear. I too was wondering why SK was from Belgium.

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Hah Hah there was a news item saying that Australia had actually drifted a couple of centimetres so you are not wrong :laughing: :laughing: Meanwhile I have had 1 card from there and sent 3 three there.

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The first postcard from France was funnily sent on July 26 2005 from an English account to USA.

The same goes for FR-2 and FR-3. FR-4 is not in the system.
The very first ID that actually shows a French address on the map is FR-5 and went from Paris to Brazil.


Postcard PH-1 was sent on August 2, 2005 and was received in Portugal over a month later on September 24.

Postcard PH-647 was sent out exactly a year later and was received in the US on August 14.

I checked PH-1 through PH-30 and all of them say that the account was closed or the ID wasn’t found


You know so many closed accounts since Postcrossing started. Ok so 18 years have passed by since Postcrossing started but I wouldn’t expected so many to be closed.

Meanwhile Phillipines to Portugal took 53 days and a year later Phillipines to the US took just 12 days. :laughing: :laughing:

Weird, but the first nine PF IDs don’t seem to exist. The first one I could find is PF-10.

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Missing 1st 9 is sad. What is the current number for French Polynesia?

Never mind I got your last sent number. And really cool for you to have sent half that number. :blush::blush:

How does a person determine the first card sent from a country? It there a list on