The Bucks County Herald (February 4, 2021 Edition) Features Postcrossing!

Friday, February 5, 2021 - 14:29 (UTC -5)

Hello, All!

Greetings from the Delaware Valley (the border between New Jersey and Pennsylvania) in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the USA.

Am happy to share with you a two-part article published in The Bucks County Herald (“BCH”), our region’s premier weekly newspaper, about Postcrossing on Thursday, February 4, 2021.

After a number of emails back and forth and a couple of phone calls with me, the owner/general editor of the BCH, Bridget Wingert, wrote and published these articles herself. Her weekly column, “Happy to be Here”, profiles Postcrossing and the graphics page on the front of the Living Section shares a number of cards I have sent and received with Postcrossers around the world. I hope you enjoy this window on our communities (Postcrossing and the Delaware Valley).

I first approached Bridget last October, 2020, by sending her one of the 1st World Postcard Day cards, followed up with a local historical site, and finally the PaperSisters “Typical Postcrossing” card. I then emailed her, introducing myself and pitching the idea of an article on Postcrossing. She agreed that receiving the postcards from me was a rare treat and was intrigued that Postcrossing could offer that experience on a regular basis.

Part of my pitch was that I had sent over 120 postcards of the Delaware Valley in particular and New Jersey and Pennsylvania in general over the last two years. I prepared a gallery of those postcards for her to review. In the end, Bridget asked me for eight and I obliged, explaining why I picked each one. Much of the material for the articles comes directly from my emails, including the captions for the postcards shown.

I shared with Paulo that this article was in process and, to his credit, he asked me to feature some cards that I had received to give BCH readers a feeling for both sides of the Postcrossing equation. I now thank again Postcrossing Member domiriel for card PT-635830 and Member airda for card SK-190857. Both of those cards are featured prominently in the article.

Below are links to the articles in various forms and the gallery of the cards I first shared with Bridget on Shutterfly. Please feel free to share those links, and this Post, with anyone you like.

Also feel free to email Bridget herself (Bridget Wingert at to let her know if you appreciate her articles, especially if you are one of the many Postcrossers who live in and around the Delaware Valley.


Happy Postcrossing,

Member AMDGIHS2019 Click on “Digital Editions” => “The Herald” and look for the February 4, 2021 edition. When you bring up the February 4, 2021, Edition, scroll to Page 9 and Page 21. This is the gallery of Delaware Valley, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania postcards that I have sent out since January, 2019, and which Bridget and I reviewed for inclusion into her articles.


Great work! I guess we can expect anlogt of new members from your region soon :smiley:

That’s great. Thank you Michael, I’m glad you liked the postcard from Beckov and it appeared in the article. I will also write to the author of the photo, may he also be happy :slight_smile:

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That’s awesome Michael, happy for you :slight_smile:

Great job in spreading the word!

Thank you. I hope so!

You’re welcome. Thanks again for your great postcard. And welcome to the Forum!

Thanks, Milad.

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Thanks, Lisa. And welcome to the Forum!

Hello Michael!
What a wonderful job! :laughing:
Thank you for letting me know!
Map postcard I received from you was impressive. :four_leaf_clover:

You’re very welcome.

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Hi Michael!
Congratulations on your great work! I hope more people from your area will learn about Postcrossing. Maybe Bridget will join us, too? :wink:

Thank you, Michele.

We’ll have to check with Paulo in a couple of weeks to see if there has been an increase in Members from New Jersey and Pennsylvania. :chart_with_upwards_trend: I would not be surprised to be sending to Bridget “officially” one of these days. :slight_smile:

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Congrat Michael for this great work ! Now you´ll be an Ambasador of Postcrossing ! All the best for the future !

Thank you very much, Hannes. All the best to you, too. And welcome to the Forum!

This is absolutely delightful! You lament in your profile that you did not find out about Postcrossing until 2019–Now just think how many more people have been exposed to the joy of Postcrossing! Thank you Michael (and Bridget) for doing this! Wishing you many (more) smiles in your mailbox!

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You’re welcome, Laura. And welcome to the Forum, too!

Impressive! A good read! Thank you for sending the link to me.

Thank you for sharing this! Many, many years ago I used to live in Stockton, New Jersey. I still remember the beauty of the Delaware valley :two_hearts:

You’re welcome, Becky. And welcome to the Forum!