Thank You Postcrossing

When I found Postcrossing at the start of the COVID Pandemic it became my lifeline. Despite the slow pace of mail at that time it gave me a sense of connection and a sense of purpose. It created a sense of structure to the extra time at home.
I work as a Pharmacy Technician, which is an essential service, so our pharmacy split into two teams and worked rotating weeks. That way the pharmacy would never close if one team became ill. So it was off and on extremely stressful and extremely boring. Postcrossing allowed me to put that stress aside and forget about it while having amazing interactions with people all over the world.
I have never found such a diverse group of individuals who are so united in a desire to be kind and share a small snippet of their lives with a stranger. People get so many different things from Postcrossing. For some it’s all about the message and connection. Others are very interested in the statistics and countries they send to. Some enjoy collecting, many enjoy the philately side. The forum is even more diverse. It allows a person to engage in snail mail in literally any way you could think of. Games, creative writing, mail art, swaps, lotteries, school groups, the list goes on and on.
Postcrossing is a wonderful, beautiful community and overwhelmingly a kind one. The Postcrossing Project isn’t something I could have dreamed up and executed in a million years. But someone did and they shared it with us! Thank you @paulo and the Postcrossing Team!


I so agree! I found Postcrossing at the beginning of the pandemic as well. Postcrossing came just at the right time. I don’t send out much, but it has brought me so much happiness! Before Postcrossing I would collect postcards and I wouldnt have anyone to send them to and now I do!


Same with me, I also started during the pandemic and Postcrossing has something really special about it. Not only that it gets exciting again to go to your mailbox, but to know that there is a person on this planet who spends a little bit of his/her lifetime on you and becomes a tiny little part of your life, makes me so thankful and it’s a simple way to spark joy. So please never stop sending cards because you may brighten up someone’s day :heart:


Every once & awhile I need to get clarification on a postcard ID. Most of the time it’s because cancellations have obscured the numbers because they are written at the top or bottom of a card. In every instance, not only have the postcrossing team helped, but they have helped in a record amount of time. THANK YOU for this site, this hobby & all of your efforts! Your work is appreciated.


Saturday, April 1, 2023 - 06:59 (UTC -5)

Greetings, Everyone!

Postcard US-9195523 was registered by Member Domco1507 of Slovakia yesterday at about 18:52 Postcrossing Time (UTC ±0).

It’s my 1000th Sent!

Since I joined Postcrossing on January 11, 2019, it has been just a few days shy of 51 months. During that time, I’ve had to take three breaks totaling about 17 months but I’m back and cruising right along.

Thanks to Paulo, Ana, and all the Postcrossing Team for keeping the project running well.

As Bashō wrote, “Every day is a journey and the journey itself is home”. Thanks to everyone who’s been part of my Postcrossing Journey as we all do our bit for Peace, Love, and the Brotherhood of Man :slight_smile:

Happy Postcrossing!



Thank you postcrossing for giving my life a new way thinking, communicating and meeting new people :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: i made so many friends, connections, and pals with whom i just literally share everything like they are studying in my class or are from my area and we are playing together :blush:
You’re all so supportive and kind, and made me Learn so many new things in the process and without any target, i just love the art of sending cards rather than reaching to any target or milestone.
And whenever i got any queries or problem, you guys are here to help me by my side, thank you so much :pray:
Lots of love,
Hemang :love_letter: