Thank you messages

When I write a postcard, I always finish with “From (my name) in England”.
Today I had a thank you message which started with “Hallo England”. :rofl:


I’m surprised by all those experiences you had. I guess I’m glad I never had one like this, the closest to “rude” I had was a couple of blank thank you messages - the first time I found it quite strange, but, oh well, go figure people out. On the other hand, I have had so nice messages, some was curious, some went on (with me replying and then again the person). The last book I read was a recommendation from one of those. People are mostly so friendly here, I really like it.
Please, don’t count such message as usual. I hope you’ll have better luck next time!


Ive got once a angry message but the english (grammar mostly) was so bad i couldnt comprehend most of it.

Also got unsollicited advice on how budgies should be kept in groups when i was saying on cards my parents have a (1) budgie.

Short story this budgie is kept alone because she will harass her cage mates to the extremes and is doing perfectly well alone with her humans. Unsollicited advice from people who dont know the situation is not a thing i enjoy seeing personnaly although the person who gave advice probably didnt think any wrong at all and genuinely worried about the birds well being.

Never got really really bad registration messages aside from these though. Sorry yall got em really.

I’ve been laughing at this for a while now. :joy: My portuguese given name is unfamiliar to foreign people so I’ve been called a lot of things, but no one addressed me before as Portugal. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I really do not get these people. Who am I to criticize another country? I have my oppinions, yes still that does not mean I should tell everyone. Btw: I have nothing against the queen.

People who say stuff like that should look at their own country first. I am sure nowhere is 100% perfect.

Sorry you had this experience :pensive:

I got a rude message today too. They basically told me “Your postcard was the first one, I recieved… sadly you wrote like… nothing on it. I think, postcards (especially at Postcrossing) are a short but personal letter to a stranger, in which you tell him or her about your daily life. Maybe you can fill your further postcards with more meaning…”.

Thankfully, I had posted a picture of it, and from what I can remember, I filled the card with words, which is what I try to do every time I send a card. I know my handwriting is pretty big, and I try to write smaller, but, that’s just how I write. If I remember correctly I told them hello from my state, told them I was a recent college graduate and told them I hope they enjoy the card and to have a nice day. I don’t understand what I did wrong there.

I am sorry that they criticized your country. That’s just wrong. Some people just don’t think before they write/type.


That is so appallingly rude I had to read it twice. :dizzy_face:

I agree! This isn’t the first rude message I received, but this one caught me off guard. I appreciate all cards and mail that come my way with the way today’s world is. I have received postcards with no words, just a stamp and my address, and I have received cards that say hello on them, and that’s it. I am happy to receive any mail!

I really can’t understand these people. When I recently got my first postcard (with the same point of message written on the card as yours) I was on cloud nine.

Maybe they are always discontented with everything or simply don’t understand that it’s impossible to write a poem on a standard card… Who knows :woman_shrugging:

Wow reading this my face was like :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :angry:
They’re so creative to be able to find ways to be rude on such a wholesome site.

Definitely if someone is rude it’s because they’re unhappy lol. I have never seen a legitimately happy person ever be rude.
I’m so sorry you all experienced this.
I’m glad everyone is sharing this topic was great

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I am stunned leaning towards appalled. What a …
I think I might have sent an answer, talking about the various versions of postcards she will receive and that she better gets used to it. To imagine that she sends this moralizing parc to all their senders in the future … She really should calm down. A lot.

(I am also surprised that this is no second profile of a super-experienced user, as I had assumed (at least I can’t detect anything). To have such a strong opinion already after 36 days in this project/hobby … suspicious, I’d say)

Don’t let this message bring down your mood!

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I’ve just done what Stevvy did and it really wasn’t difficult to identify this person. Now that I can see she’s apparently brand new to this, it makes her attitude even more appalling. Patronising, arrogant, supercilious, condescending, breath-takingly rude. And to such an evidently thoughtful and pleasant person as Moonlightlaura!

All I’ll say by way of a tiny bit of mitigation is that when registering a card you cannot see the sender’s profile until you’ve finished registering it. And being new here she almost certainly wouldn’t have researched the sender before registering it, which in any case is hardly ever possible. But having said that, having registered it and realised it was from Laura, couldn’t she then have read Laura’s profile and realised (a) how long Laura’s been here; (b) how many cards Laura has sent and received; ( c ) how Laura is in no need of patronising messages about what to write on postcards; and (d) . . . cont. on page 94.

I’ve never officially complained about a ‘fellow’ postcrosser, but I would have complained about that one. The mods would have looked into it and taken appropriate action. In fact it’s not too late. :hugs:

ps. when I typed ( c ) without spaces it turned into ©.

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I got a thank you message today from a German postcrosser (who liked the postcard I sent), but continuned writing about a trip to Oslo (Norway) 50 years ago, which wasn’t so nice because: When it was noticed that they were Germans, they were insulted and not served in restaurants.

And I wonder; why bing up something that happend 50 years ago and what does that got to do with me?

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Ha! I think I would have sent them a follow up message that was a run-on, rambling conversation with no punctuation, that filled up every last bit of the message box. Just stuff about what I ate today, the weather, whats on TV tonight…sheer utter pointless nonsense that would be nearly impossible to read. Well, maybe I wouldn’t actually send it but I would think about it quite hard!!

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I was going through some of my old postcards and remembered your post. Someone wrote to me “Hello name of my city!”
I think it’s because my profile used to had “I live in a small city with a big name, called”… :joy: