Thank you gift for milestone cards

In the next few weeks, I expect to receive my 1,000th official PC card :partying_face:. Just as a way to mark the occasion, celebrate the randomness that brings us together, and put out good energy, I’m thinking about sending a little gift package, nothing of high value, to the person who sent that 1,000th card. Some postcards, pens, lightweight souvenir, etc. Obviously I’d have to send them a message on the official site for their address and if they’re interested.

So I’m curious. Have you marked milestone cards in a similar way? If you were to receive a message like mine, would you be interested or dismiss the request?


I think it sounds like a lovely idea. And I certainly would not ignore your message if I were lucky enough to receive it.

I did not do anything of the sort for my 100th card received. But it’s great idea for future milestones!

And congrats on your almost-milestone!!! :partying_face::heart:


The way I’ve seen most people mark milestones is to do swaps, lotteries or giveaways in the Forum.

Some people might be interested in your offer, some might not & remember that the official address drawing process is designed to be a random one way process, not an exchange, to protect people’s privacy.

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I would be delighted to celibrate with you.
When i ever get to this milestone i would do something similar when sending my 1000th card.


Yes, but Postcrossing does talk about “ Direct swaps” witch I would classify this as

And if the person has “no direct swaps” on their profile? A large % of members have this on their profile.

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I would not consider this as a swap, if I received this message. You’re not asking for anything in return. And the user can always say no or ignore it. In which case, you could move on to the 1001st card received sender.


I will also reach my 1,000 postcard sent/received in the next month or two. I’m planning to hold a lottery on the forum to celebrate.


I think this is very generous way of marking a milestone. I’ve only ever celebrated my 100th card on the forum.

If I was the sender in your case, I would be delighted if it was brought to my attention that I sent a milestone card. I would also most likely accept your request if the gift isn’t very expensive.


I never celebrated a milestone…but it is a lovely idea! I think if you would like to send me a gift for your milestone of 1000 postcards sent, I would be delighted…So, go for it! :partying_face:
You can mention your idea already in your “register a postcard message”!
I had some nice conversations throughout that way and even asked sometimes addresses to send a postcard back. The other Postcrosser can then decide if she or he is happy with the suggestion. :blush:

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Very soon I have sent 2000 official postcards. Hurrah! I never thought I would come this far. Your suggestion sounds nice, but there are already several lotteries here. However, I don’t think I will celebrate my milestone.

And what if your 1000th postcard is from a country where you cannot go, for example, from Russia?


It the sender lived in a mail restricted place one could save the gift for when the mail goes again…wars dont last forever.


That’s a great point. I wouldn’t mind waiting to send until the restrictions are lifted. Something like a time capsule ready to be opened at an unknown future date.

Of course there is the risk of the recipient leaving PC, moving and not telling me, or just life interrupting in general

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Agreed. Though the point of my gesture is to recognize the person who happened to send me the milestone card. Not the event itself. I guess there’s no reason I can’t do both :love_letter:

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Just recognize that some folks may not be interested or respond to your direct offer given the privacy & safety issues.


I think you have a fun and generous idea! That being said, I don’t like replying to messages from the main site and I have it listed that I’m not interested in direct swaps on my profile on the main site. If you happen to get that special #1000 from someone interested in direct swaps I think you’d get a response, otherwise you might not hear back from them. I was on the main site for many years before joining the forum and I liked the one sided, single interaction aspect of it. I’d probably also fret like, “oh my gosh, I was their 1000th card and now they want to send me something…I hope my card, message, and stamps were worthy.” :sweat_smile:


100%. Exactly why I posted the idea first – to get a sense of potential reaction. Sentiment seems to be positive, so far. Though us forum folks are more fun all around :grin:

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Well, the opinions are biased here right? because we’ve chosen to be here & be active - that’s why I added the privacy/safety issues - many Postcrossers value this a lot. Hope it goes well for you.


I did a Lottery because of my milestone.

I guess, I would do a lottery and tell the sender, that it was the 1000th card and he/she are welcome to participate the lottery