Thank you and Happy New Year to all Postcrossers!

Bye-bye 2021, Welcome 2022.

Though 2020 and 2021 were tough because of the pandemic, working from home gave me some time to revive my hobbies. I have done nearly 150 successful swaps and Thank you all for enriching my collection. I couldn’t achieve my goal because of some hurdles and hic-ups in the postal system around the world. But I am very close to my target.

My banknotes collection touched 3 digits, coin collection is going to hit a century and so is my stamp collection. Thank you my dear fellow postcrossers. Together we can do marvels.

Happy collecting and Happy New year 2022!!!


Happy New Year!
Let 2022 be full of friendly postcards.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year :partying_face: everyone

Happy new year :balloon:

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Similarly, here are the blessings from China. I hope everyone can spend every day happily, healthy and happy new year! Thank you for every one you meet here. I love this big family and hope we are getting better and better​:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:

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.Happy New year dear all.! :tada::sparkles::balloon:


Happy New Year to all of you. I hope everyone around the world will stay safe and we’ll get out of this pandemic worldwide. Health and Peace to you all

Happy New Year to you all, may 2022 be kind to all of you.

Nearly midnight on the west coast of USA, Happy New Year everyone! :tada: :partying_face: :tada:

Happy New Year to all you postcrossers and their families and friends :slight_smile: Stay healthy and may 2022 be a great year for you :slight_smile: