TBA - Is there any interest in a Newcastle/Hunter Valley Meet Up?

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Newcastle/Hunter Valley
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: TBA
:calendar: DATE: TBA
:alarm_clock: TIME: TBA
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Looking to see if there is any interest in a Newcastle/HV meet up this year? I am happy to organise if I have a few people interested in attending.

I have transport so can be flexible about location but I do work full time so I could only organise a weekend meet up - happy to be flexible about Sat/Sun & time of day to make it as accessible as possible for people who do work weekends though.

Let me know if there is any interest!

Cheers, SS

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

Hi SS,

I live in Sydney but depending on the date would be happy to drive to Newcastle or Hunter Valley area on a weekend day for a meet up. I travel a lot, so am out of the country for big chunks of time but hope we could find a date.
I have been to Melbourne for a meet up but would love to go to one nearer to home…

Kind regards

Could even do Central Coast if there is more interest there. Kind of half way.

Hello! I organised a meetup in Newcastle two years ago. I actually moved at the last minute and couldn’t go, but it was held in my absence and went well, from what I have heard. Not sure if you were there, but just thought I would suggest that you could find the post from back then and message the people who attended that one, if that helps!

Wish I could come but I moved to VIC. Good luck.

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yes would come to the central coast. - no problem