[TAG] NA Perpetual Holiday Tag - See Link to holidays in 1st post

Tag @TrvlCat

National Bugs Bunny Day April 30th

Tag @kanosis with National Tourism Day

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Tag @TrvlCat for “Poem on your Pillow” day

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tag @NAMsMommy with World Donkey Day! :smiley: (I have your address)

:bangbang: I have a new address :bangbang:

Tag @CrimsonKing
National Give Someone a Cupcake Day

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Tag @kanosis

For National Small Business Day - I have your address!

Tag @NAMsMommy with National Dance Like a Chicken Day.

tag @TrvlCat with Bring Flowers to Someone Day

Tag @StephofYorktown with International Chihuahua Day

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Tag @kanosis with National Mushroom Hunting Day

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Tag @TrvlCat for National Endangered Species day

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Tag @NAMsMommy with Sherlock Holmes Day, May 22.

tag @hootnoodle with National Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day

Tag @StephofYorktown with International Tea Day.

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Tag @SharonMI with National Wine Day, May 25.

Tag @hootnoodle
with National Drinking with Chickens Day!

Tag @kanosis with Decoration Day

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Tag @TrvlCat with National Smile Day, May 31.

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Tag @hootnoodle with National Utah Day

Tag @TrvlCat with Dinosaur Day

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