[TAG] NA Perpetual Holiday Tag - See Link to holidays in 1st post

Tag @kanosis

with World Giraffe Day which is today!

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Tag @TwasBrillig

International Yoga Day!

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Tag @kanosis for New Conversations Day, July 12!

Tag @mon23

with National Holiday: Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Omelet Day!

tag @kanosis - for “don’t step on a bee” day !


Tag @NAMsMommy

With National Kitten Day!

tag @kanosis with National Pennsylvania Day

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Tag @StephofYorktown with National Moth Week

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Tag @Bethmnie for National Paperback Day

Tag @StephofYorktown with World Farm Animals Day. I have your address.

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Tag @TrvlCat with National Homemade Cookie Day

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Tag @kanosis

chocolate cupcake day!

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National Color Day!

Tag @kanosis with National Nut Day

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Tag @TrvlCat with International Artists Day

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Tag @StephofYorktown with tomorrow’s holiday of “tongue twister day”

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Tag @NAMsMommy
With National Election Day!

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tag @kanosis with World Wildlife Conservation Day, December 4.

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tag @hootnoodle with National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
(I have your address).

Tag @StephofYorktown with National Poinsettia Day.

I have your address.

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