[TAG] LouPaper Tag (anyone can join!)

Tag @journeyforth

here is my LouPaper collection

tag @NAMsMommy with school (i have your address)

my loupaper collection

Tag @sarahaeyo with Crystals. I have your address

A new LouPaper for my album please :two_hearts:

Tag @dieya with Earth day!

Looking for these LouPaper states
Wisconsin, West Virginia, Rhode Island, Hawaii, , Wyoming, Sweden sent from origin. Earth day , gardens


tag @RhondaLou for gardens

I’m just starting my collection so any Loupaper card for me, please! :smiling_face:

tag @reach4thestars

My collection

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Tag @NAMsMommy with Garden Herbs. I have your address

A new LouPaper for my album please :two_hearts:

Tag @dieya

A new LouPaper for my collection, please! It’s a new collection, so I only have 2 so far! :upside_down_face:


Tag @inkandpaper

My collection so far

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Tag @NAMsMommy with donuts!
My wishes state cards to complete my collection
Hawaii, West Virginia, The new South Dakota, Wyoming, Rhode Island
Fall, winter, summer garden

tag @RhondaLou (i have your address) with donuts :doughnut:

my loupaper collection (crystals and maryland on the way)

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tag @sarahaeyo

I have Idaho and Maryland. Any LouPaper for me!

Tag @reach4thestars - I can send you “for the love of tea”!

My collection, would love any that I don’t have yet :wink:

Tag @NAMsMommy with one you do not gage
I have your address

I still need these states , written and stamped from origin please;

Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, Nebraska, Ohio, South Carolina , South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont

Not tagging.

@journeyforth do you need any non state cards??

I only have a one of the non state cards that was sent to me , so I am open to more, I have Spring, that’s it.

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Tag @journeyforth with Summer

A new LouPaper for my album please :two_hearts:

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Tag @dieya

These are the cards I HAVE: AZ, CA, MA, NJ, SC, butterflies, veggies, Halloween

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Tag @jennyjennyjenn

I’d like a new state card sent from origin for my collection please! So far I only have FL.

Tag @erinberin with CA

I would love Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa state cards from origin if possible. If not, anything else in my profile wishlist is fine. I’m not picky :slight_smile:

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