[International Swap & Penpal] Offer/Request topic

Hello everyone,
I have a Japanese light novel here (「奏送」by Jiro Kiso, Supervisor: Yamada Kaneto) but none of my friends here can speak Japanese and just so happens that the volume and words of this novel are quite a little, so I thought why not have a bookcrossing? You can write comments on the novel, or the blank page on the back for stickers, stamps, collages, or anything similar.——just do anything you like( EXCEPT destructing book!) Of course, if you’re willing to write something for the book or the other participants, you can also write it on the back or write it on a separate piece of paper and send it to the next person along with the book.

I’m going to organize three people to participate.

Book Dimensions

  • A6 Book
  • About 100 lined pages
  • 155 × 110 × 6mm
  • 88g

Flight Plan

Updated January 30, 2024

Order Username County Mailing to Status


  • I’ll organize everything based on country to prevent the book from getting lost because of confusing way to reach each destination and to reduce shipping costs and time.
  • I won’t put the ‘Flight Plan’ in the book to keep every address of you a secret
  • You have 3 weeks for your reading!
  • Send me a message and picture once you receive or mail the book. I will update the flight plan and send you the next address
  • REMEMBER: this is a novel, NOT A NOTEBOOK, so when you are going to write or doodle in the body of the text, please treat it as a book, too much and random will AFFECT the next person’s reading

Updates / Help

(This part may offend you, but in order not to lose my book, just like the notebook valued at 200RMB (the minimum hourly wage of 10 hours in China) I sent to Germany last time, thus I decided to take some strict measures.)

  • You must send the registered mail. You need to send me the registered tracking number so that the next person can check it.
  • You need to give me your phone number, I will call you at the start of the programme to sure that you won’t take the notebook away or cancel the account the travelling during travelling(Because somebody did this last time and some countries may need it to send registered mail)
  • If you need help or have questions, just send me a message

Once I get the book back, I will update the page and upload them. I"m excited to see what everyone adds

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I moved your post to here, because that is one of the 2 Topics were it is allowed to speak in English in this Communitiy.

Hello. I’m looking for CNY Card or Year of the Dragon Card from Japan. You can find my offer here https://community.postcrossing.com/t/swap-chinese-new-year-card/758575

Thank you for reading this :slight_smile:

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Hi everyone!


If you are interested in it, please don’t be hesitate to contact me!



:four_leaf_clover: offer & request :four_leaf_clover:


3月6日に発売される「My旅切手シリーズ 第9集」の「絵入り手押し印」を





post deleted

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Hello everyone I’m Dani and live in Germany at the moment . I’m a big Shaman king fan but finding the things I like is really hard + not everyone is willing to ship it to Europe so getting manga and fan goods is nearly impossible for me . I would like to ask if there is someone who likes the anime Shaman king here ( personal favorite character is Asakura Hao ) or at least if they have something that they want to swap with me would be nice . Personally I search for those things since I really like to have them in my collection but even a postcard or something similar would be nice .
I can also write in Japanese ( I can speak better then I write ) but if you write kanji I have to research some of them since I don’t know them all and mostly write in hiragana and katakana . :bowing_woman:

こんにちは。私はダニと申します。現在、ドイツに住んでいます。私はシャーマンキングの大ファンですが、好きなものを見つけるのは本当に難しく、また、欧州に発送してくれる人がなかなかいません。マンガやファングッズを手に入れることは私にとってほぼ不可能です。もしシャーマンキングのアニメが好きな方がいれば(私の個人的なお気に入りは麻倉葉王です)、または何か私と交換したいものがあれば嬉しいです。個人的にはコレクションに加えたいので、それらのアイテムを探しています。ポストカードなどでもうれしいです。また、日本語でのやりとりも可能です(話す方が得意ですが、書くこともできます。ただし漢字は一部調べる必要があります) :bowing_woman:







Hi, everyone. I’m Asriel from China. One of my best friends’ birthday is going these days . She really like Japanese culture, especially ACGN culture. She’s goal is going to study art in Japan.
I would like to ask for Japanese PCers a birthday postcard for one of her birthday gifts. I can send you one card profile based.
Thank you all!

Hello Asriel, I will be arranging several postmarking requests from Japanese post offices shortly, if your friend does not mind that the card(s) may arrive a bit later than her birthday, I am happy to send her some cards.

Here are the cancels I am aiming:

Asahikawa (Hokkaido) cancel on fox-themed postcards:

images (2)

Various cancels on penguin-themed postcards:

Monbetsu (Hokkaido) cancel on horse-themed postcards:


Takarazuka Revue cancel on 1st of April 2024:

(Please see this offer to choose a postcard)



Let’s swap Pokémon Postcards and Stamps!

France released Pokémon Stamps recently and I have some Pokémon cards too.
I would like to receive anything Pokémon related or any shaped postcard (Gotouchi or else). Let’s discuss details in private :slight_smile:

Google translation :


Hello! My name is Stacy, I am 36 and I live in Moscow, Russia. I used to have a penpal from Japan a couple of years ago, it was great. We swaped different tasty things, suveniers and so on. And letters of course. Unfortunately, my penpal had less time for postcrossing and was not able to continue.

I would like to find a new penpal. I like reading, watching TV-series, playing quiz-games. I have 2 kids - son 10 y.o. and daughter 7 y.o. My daughter likes postcrossing and helps me to decorate cards. It would be glad to find a penpal for her also. I would help her to write letters. Maybe any kids would like to start direct mail swap?)

If you are interested, you are welcome!

Hi everyone! Hi, friends from Japan!

I’m Hongjian from China. I am looking forward to receiving a postcard featuring Kumamon elements, especially the photo of Kumamon.

I have loved Kumamon since 2016, and I have collected many Kumamon-featured items from key chains to school bags. I value my traveler version Kumamon very much.

What I can offer:
-The postcards that I have and are available for swapping.
Uploading: IMG_20240323_222607.jpg…
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Please check my Facebook account Hongjian Zhang for more.

-If you are interested in any specific Chinese elements, I’d love to help you.

Best Wishes. Thank you!


I am afraid that Japan Post is not accepting mail to Russia at the moment.

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Japanese Postcrossers please help Year 3 students at my school in Australia.
The Year 3 students are studying a book call Kumiko and the dragon. We need your help…can you send us postcards from Japan. If you can help it would be greatly appreciated if you could write about your country for example your food, culture, landmarks, animals. I would be happy to send you a postcard in return. We also plan to have the children write a postcard back to you if you would like.

If you are interested in helping please let me know.
Thank you very much

Maybe you can post in the Education thread?
Good luck!


I can send a card :blush:
Could you send me the address?

You can also post it here :arrow_down:


Thanks. I had created a separate thread however a moderated chose to put my entry here. I have no idea why they did this they didn’t tell me.

You are looking especially for people from Japan - that’s why I moved your post to here.
And I sent you a message.

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