Suspended members

Hello! I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this topic.

I was preparing a private swap with a member today and found this person’s account has been suspended.

See pic below:

I’m wondering what kind of actions lead to a member being suspended?
Is this a temporary suspension?

Does anyone have any ideas?


Usually when you see this, a moderator has suspended the user member because others have reported that the person has not honored their swaps. They have even ignored Moderator’s attempts to resolve the issue(s).

Sometimes, after they have honored their outstanding swaps completely, the moderator may take them off suspension. In your case, if this member requested the swap, you’ve been saved from a heap of trouble. As a general rule, if someone I don’t know requests a private swap with me, they must mail first.


In addition to what @cliffside said, I think there may be other circumstances where a member has violated community standards. What are community standards? I am not sure they are specifically written anywhere, but violations may include generally such things as:

  • commercial misuse of PC members contact info
  • copyright violations
  • having more than one account and using them for deceptive purposes
  • being reported by other members as being toxic in some way
  • inappropriate use of PC as a space to advertise products or services (except for the paid advertisements which support the site)

I don’t think you can know if the suspension is permanent or temporary. Probably the site administrators decide on a case by case basis.

I’m sorry you got caught in a bind. Be assured that they do not take these actions lightly, but do them to protect Postcrossing members and this lovely and trusting community.


I think there would be This user is temporarily suspended when it’s not a permanent suspension. At least it was in the past - I had this several times when I checked profiles of my expired cards, but mostly the accounts had been closed some time later.


Honestly I saw something a member was doing that i did not think was correct. I wasnt aure but i felt like others could have been taken advantage of by what he/she was asking. I am glad that there is a system in Place for protection!


Thank you for all your responses! I’ve done a few swaps with this member before and had no issues. When they requested another swap I went ahead and ordered the item they asked for immediately. Guess I’ll send that stamp to someone else then… :sneezing_face:


While it may not be used that way here, a suspension is in itself a temporary thing. If one is not allowed back after a suspension, you wouldn’t stay suspended, you would be banned.


While I understand your concerns you also said that you have never had problems with this person. Maybe you’ll do the swap anyway, but wait for the person to send to you first.

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Yeah but I also can’t find this person’s address in the messages anymore :confused:

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Oh, okay. In that case…

Hi all,
I hope it’s ok to add an additional query about suspended members to this post! I sent an official postcard to a member recently. They have sent and received thousands of cards. Since I sent the postcard, their account has been suspended, but my postcard hasn’t been registered. Is there a chance my card could still be registered by this user even though their official account is suspended?


This is an interesting question. If they are temporarily suspended and your card isn’t automatically registered then maybe they aren’t being suspended for long enough that your card would go past the 1 year mark. I’d still ask the PostCrossing staff

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Thanks for your advice, I’ll reach out and ask.

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Hi @send_postcards…did you get a response from admin re suspended members and travelling official cards? I’ve just discovered that I have the same situation.


I did. They’re working with the member in question to resolve their issue and hopefully their account will be unsuspended soon …


oh wow :o this is news to me!! i had no idea members could be suspended, i just assumed everyone would honor their swaps but i guess not, thank you for posting this, it opened my eyes a little bit!!

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